I don't think it is only mixed farmers that have more than 1 permit book.
Do you have a min/max nuumber of animals you could own to be on your 'Do not vote' list? If I have one beef for my own use would I make your list?
If a son/daughter has 1/4 of land and works for a input supplier, trying to get ahead so he can buy a farm some day, does he make the list? They would want farmers to be profitable, Still they might want prices to be low so they can maybe, buy land against the big guys that want to eat up the little guys '1/4 at a time'.
Who knows how they might vote? Better put them on the 'Do not vote' list too.
I'm not sticking up for the way the voters list or the permit book system works. I am on your side here, These are some of the areas that need looked at for sure.
I just don't think we should be attacking our markets as a way of getting our points across.
Do you have a min/max nuumber of animals you could own to be on your 'Do not vote' list? If I have one beef for my own use would I make your list?
If a son/daughter has 1/4 of land and works for a input supplier, trying to get ahead so he can buy a farm some day, does he make the list? They would want farmers to be profitable, Still they might want prices to be low so they can maybe, buy land against the big guys that want to eat up the little guys '1/4 at a time'.
Who knows how they might vote? Better put them on the 'Do not vote' list too.
I'm not sticking up for the way the voters list or the permit book system works. I am on your side here, These are some of the areas that need looked at for sure.
I just don't think we should be attacking our markets as a way of getting our points across.