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    One of the most flawed trains of logic i have ever read.


      So which extreme should give us the greater pause - overt pessimism or unbridled optimism?


        With exception of BTO and a few others on this site. I've found most are mean spirited, self centered, small greedy, foul people. Interested in only, me, myself and I! Just because you quote scripture, doesn't make you a good person either. A hippocrite maybe, good not. Legends in their own minds. Ready willing and able to dump on anyone, who doesn't agree wit their point of view. Mighty whinners and snivelers blaming everyone, except themselves fer whatever ails them er their farm! Gimme more, gimme more, gimme, gimme. Yup truly great Comedians!



          1. Intimidation
          2. Alienation
          3. Humiliation

          Straight from the CWB 'designated area' bitter grower handbook.

          Doesn't it ever get lonely way up there... in CWB management?

          Are you folks REALLY the only ones who have marketed farmers grain???



            CP has been right way more often than not.

            QE2/3/4... just about guarantee to put this one in the bag over time.


              "Massive declines in real estate prices globally. The Australian and Canadian bubbles are ripe for the picking."
              Add the ridiculous US land values that have NO relationship to productivity. I'd believe it is unsustainable for much longer. Nothing worse than Sask housing spike... unfordable for wage earners if interest rates rise.


                chiseling and cheating friends and neighbours! If'n we finds out who somebody is, then we could dawn our sheets and hoods..."

                Why was I not surprised when these words sprouted out of your keyboard?

                I am with Tom

                People come on these forums for mainly one reason...to LEARN an improve their way of doing things. I have been told by an intelectual I am not a very simpathetic person...why would I be. People who wine bitch & cry & complain stuck in a rut are really not looking for simpathy....they are desperate for insight. I think few people really want any simpothy they really want a hand up from their own know stupidity. Do things better!

                Ask yourself this...do I want to surround myself with people who are nice to me(u)and just smile and nod or people who will tell you their true honest opinion if you want to hear it or not.

                Don't spoon feed me anything if it will make me stronger just shove it down my throat. To get ahead progress needs to be a steep learning curve. I guy I once worked for (for a while was head of the canada west equipment dealers association) said the dealers would form groups to get naked with...show the good the bad and the ugle and pick on each others warts. Open and frank discussion...cut the bs out of your business


                  i think for oil to go to $10 it would have to go a lot higher first. i can see cotton's scenario of high inflation but only for a short period of time. the inflation (bubbles) in housing and oil of three years ago greatly weakened the economy - oil and housing are still half to two thirds of where they topped out depending which part of the states you look. if the usa or north america was the only weak spot in the world then i could see hyperinflation but what is the dollar going to fall against? the rest of the industrialized world is just as weak and indebted. so no i don't see ten dollar oil but if it hits $250 it will collapse the rest of the economy and make 2010 look like utopia. seventeen per cent unemployment (the effective rate) won't encourage growth and continuing growth is what our economy is predicated on.


                    So how does the purchasing power of a currency
                    rise when the debt is being monetized?

                    This is what q1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8 is.

                    The trend was put in place 8 years ago.

                    The fact there is deflation in a few debt based asset
                    classes doesn't mean we are in deflation.

                    Hyperinflation appears in times of economic
                    downturns,some people like to through out the
                    word stagflation...whatever.

                    And some of the economic types with a little
                    schooling under there belt have a handicap,the
                    economic laws they think by,are both flawed and
                    thrown out the window,when a government starts
                    backstopping all of the debt in the system.


                      i agree that 'economists' get so tied up with theory they forget how things work and what's happened in the usa over the last forty years demonstrates that. monetizing debt has been going on to a lesser extent forever. governments love moderate inflation; it raises tax revenues and old deficits are paid off with inflated dollars. the american dollar has already weakened some but the troubles in europe have put a lid on that currency, great britain is as big a basket case as any and we're hearing more warnings not to trust economic stats put out by china. i guess the question is what happens when everybody tries to monetize their debt at once? that's the reason i don't see the us dollar collapsing and sending its economy into hyperinflation. stagflation is a given.


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