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Vote BTO off Agriville!

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    This topic has been on my mind as I hit the slops. To Burpfart and BTO that's skiing. Any way I like the fact that their on here and this is my reason
    1. To show how stupid some one can actually be with their comments.
    2. To show that Racists still exist in Canada.
    3. To let every one see what I mean when I say CWB supporters just don't get it.
    By having them on and commenting to the mass majority it helps prove our case that the CWB and its supporters should have their own little marketing club and let the rest of us out.
    SIMPlE like the two of them are.
    But commenting on their comments and not ignoring them is wrong.
    So simply when they post leave it on so every one can see what a true CWB supporter looks like.
    Have a great day. Another fresh snow day.


      Ok I followed your lead to the Vancouver Sun; pars I don't like blackmail and anyone who sets out to track someone down and destroy them and everyone else associated in any way.
      Would be nice to know what you thought of my lead to one of Dr. Phil's shows.
      I will also refer you to the Guidelines that the owners of this site have posted. Its a long list ; which means there are many possible unaccepatable practices Joe Dales et al prefers not to be linked to. The first rule says

      You agree to not use the Chat Forums to:

      upload, post, email, or otherwise transmit any Content that is unlawful, harmful, threatening, abusive, harassing, tortious, defamatory, vulgar, obscene, libelous, invasive of another's privacy, hateful, or racially, ethnically or otherwise objectionable;

      Geez Parsley I'm sure you know better. I've looked at some other Forums this morning and am going to start frequenting them a lot more often. If this keeps up; agriville will destroy itself; and the corporate sponsors will soon be gone.


        Is BTO really real? Or are the "righties" just trying to make the cwb issue the ISSUE, and an attempt to portray board supporters as of that type of total mindset or mindless set?

        Or is he? just a lefty genius at attracting attention to how fixated the righties are on the cwb issue and nothing else?

        OR is he just plain NUTS?

        Where ever he actually sits on the cwb issue he is entitled to that opinion. At any rate the issue is the degredation of women not the cwb, not anything else. The moderators should not be attacked either for doing something or not doing something unless of course they are part of "the conspiracy".


          1. Do you suppose anyone has the patience to wait two more sleeps to see if Joe just might be away on holidays? You have already assumed he is negligent.It's NewYear's weekend!!!!

          Joe posted a Santa warning at Christmas because of language less offensive. Have a little faith! I would simply delete smut and I am confident Joe will, too, aren't you?

          2. I read your link, oneoff. Maybe your preferred fix is to shut down every posting unless content is approved?(tic) Lotta 24/7 supervising by some non-paid soul. My point to you is posts are traceable, so there IS some accountability possibility. Wikileaks was my example.

          What should be done to viscious mischief makers? Shoot them? Take them to libel court? Expose them and publish their own words in their hometown paper was my example. Take your pick of thousands of punishments.

          3. As long as people are people, there is good and bad. Parents need to supervise their children's browsing.

          Meanwhile you can continue to practice being afflicted with unbearable indignity. Pars


            Women? Nope.

            The issue is:
            Free speech should not be banned because some small mob of anonymous farmers took a straw vote online. pars


              Parsely, the issue is posts that clearly break the rules which are clearly stated should be deleted. Not posts about whether you agree with the CWB or not, but the absolute degradation of women and their daughters as clearly stated by BTOfarmall in SEVERAL posts.

              Clean up the pig pen or as FarmRanger says, all that will be left is the pigs.


                Blonde jokes about women. Some were about dumb blondes. Some were about boobs. etc. I didn't take offense. It's coffee row stuff. You didn't pull out the rulebook, either.

                I agree that boundaries will and do get pushed at times, but this is leisure time, is it not? Who wants a continuous enforcer at coffee time?

                Rigidity leads to censorship.

                My observation is that reslies to the 'dumb' posts inevitably elicits more response than policy posts do, or depape's impeccable research does.

                Who do farmers most respond to?.... yup, burbert. LOL Yi-yi-yi You get what you court. So it's difficult to apprecite hypocritical outrage.

                And btw, porn pages thrive, don't they? Numbers is what makes them go. Pars


                  How professional smart women in agriculture are treated is horrible. The women are victims to that 'coffee shop' 'boys club' attitude and are completely powerless to do anything about it. If they say something they are treated even worse and are ostricized.

                  Many carry this brashness and crudeness as personal pain with no advocate and carry it daily. This is not freedom of speech, it is disrespect and harassment.

                  BTOfarmall is the epitomy of this attitude and i will NEVER stand by idly and be told it is ok.


                    Chubby dese comedians here don't care what a dumb yankee has to tink or say. Comedians are not wanted on agtalk, & dey don't care for any confederates here in Comedia. If anyting I would be worryin' about my own markets at home before lookin' over yander. Yer country has gone to hell'n back twice, now on its third trip dare. You's ain't gonna make'r back dis time though. Its to bad, You's are gist worried about yer Ipads & BlackBarrys now a days.

                    Checkin' crop was da one to first degrade his wife. The gentleman that I am, I offered to put her up for da nite. You's only see witch you's wanna see...

                    Saskfarmertree I hopes you got a life jacket on, woodn't want you to break a nail on dem Slopes Ice boardin'....

                    I rest my case with you's only see witch you's wanna see. I have never supported da Comedian Wit Bored. Don't even vote, what fer?

                    You's call yerselves Grown Comedian Men. Laugh Out Loud. You's are actin' like a bunch of school girls, got yer panites in a knot over a joke that Checkin' Crop started in da first place. I know its work, but open yer eyes and read da first post.

                    Kin't you's learn to laugh & enjoy yerselves? Not even when grain prices are good kin you? Da holes yall dug must be REAL deep. You's are all gonna dry up whinin' & snivelin' bitter old men noone wants to be around....

                    I's gist a hard workin' farmer voicin' my opinion here in Comedia. Tryin to reach da masses. Need Help, Da Hutts takin' over it all....


                      ...stepping over the turd.


                        ... BTO... an apology would help...


                          Wow BTO. I didn't know that I was american. Last I checked I lived in central Saskatchewan. I came to this site for information on Canadian markets cause, wait for it, I live in Canada! Just because I found the link on agtalk doesn't mean that I am american. But your narrow mindedness to jump to conclusions just shows how ignorant you are.

                          By the way, you still haven't answered my question of whats your purpose for agriville?


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