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Vote BTO off Agriville!

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    "Maybe you could offer some regular posters the power to delete posts."
    No - we don't need a dictatorship - who gets to decide what is acceptable and what isn't? who gets to decide who the judges are? Absolutely not - let freedom of speech prevail and each contributor be responsible for their own actions. If people make a fool of themselves it reflects on them and no one else.
    I've got to laugh at SF3 though - congratulating fellow posters for not commenting on BTO's postings - Doh! then alleging BTO is a CWB conspiracy. No wonder folks come on to wind some of you up.


      I say vote him off the island!
      I don't see it as a issue of censorship or free speech.
      Censorship is when ideas, thoughts and opinions are removed because you don't agree with them. In this case there is no thoughts or ideas or anything. The few times I have tried to read his posts they are just gobbelygoop and gibberish. I scroll over them always.
      But still they clutter up the site.


        BTO after your last rant. I have changed my mind. You can go now.


          This site is not a democracy. It's much like my home, I describe it as a benevolent dictatorship. Joedales and crew possess absolute authority. If they abuse that authority we go elsewhere. If they don't use that authority, we go elsewhere.

          My idea on trusted posters having power was to cut down on labour and admin costs. I'd like to keep it free, with advertising.

          With an anomanous forum,and no enforcement people are NOT held accountable. Flamers just keep posting until there's no one left. Not a good model for an advertising driven revenue stream.


            Turmoil in a teapot if you ask me. I like Burbert's postings and this BTO might get carried away a bit but I've seen far worse.

            Most of the ones who post here have stepped out of line a time or too when irate over an issue or two.

            Remember that story of the kids marooned on the Pacific island...Island of the Flies or somesuch where the majority turn out be savage beasts and attack the weaker ones. Reminds me of this forum at times. Survival of the fittest OR the LOUDEST.


              Regarding the previous posting of mine...I believe the title was "Lord of the Flies".

              Carry on...


                A BIG THANK YOU GUYS/GALS for saying you like me and my posts. For your information, I have been banned on at least twice in the past. Served my time, then got back on the site. I have also recommended banning of several of you marketeers in the past, to no avail. So I suspect this site is actually being run by anti-cwb people who are simply trying to smear the cwb in any way they can, so they can access more and more CHEAP cow food. Say something enough, and it becomes the truth, even it it is a lie. No you'll never convince me that the cwb is bad and that the grain companies and railroads are our friends, cause they ARE NOT!!!!! 1 cent per bu. cow food, would be a good idea for Comedian ranchers/feeders/farmers eh.



                  That was enlightning!

                  Does this mean you are BTO?


                    The hillwilliams and yahoos on Angriville are those screaming, whinning, and snivelling about banishment, voting off posters, censorship,rights and freedoms that they want, which should not apply to others. Name calling, thin skinned guys/gals, pretending to be intellectual modern knowitalls, you people are pathetic. Like a bunch of Red winged blackbirds, dropping out of the sky in Ark. fer no apparent reason, er fish turnin belly up!!!!!!!!!!


                      I wish somebody would arrest BTO's mind for vagrancy! He contributes nothing but verbal crap to this site, period.


                        BTO's posts for the most part are outrageous but every now and then he throws in something about the huts.

                        It seems he is just messing with you people because everyone knows who the cwb takes out for free meals and where lingenfelter goes for ag advice.

                        Its just another opinion and sometimes it makes a person think differently. Its good to have a devils advocate view. It gets boring with everyone agreeing.

                        Any comments, BTO. And in english please.


                          I tink I famous now...

                          Dis gotta be one of da most replied to posts on Agriville...

                          Whatta dat supposed to mean my posts are outrageous, but every now & den I throws someting in about da Hutts???

                          Sooo you's agree with me den on da Hutts? Good, cause I kin't defend all tree provinces by myselves. Do whatever it takes to stop dem. Even if it means breakin' even on da land year in, year out. Don't let dem buy or rent anotter Acre. I ain't.......


                            BTO just go out and hug a Hutterite and admit they are great neighbors. You know deep down that they farm better than you and you cant keep up with them, your rage is just pure admiration. Eventually they will own that slab of dirt you sit on, even if it is your kids that sell it to them. Hey since your single, you may even give it to them when you die.


                              If I had slave labour, I could farm better than most as well.


                              By outrageous, I mean the time it takes to write like that, do you have a program that translates to that??

                              Hutterites are going to farm everything and for those that believe they are a good thing, might as well believe in the imaginary premiums from the cwb as well.


                                BTO now you even got the huts after you.
                                Hope your makin babies cause your goin to be out run. No actually don't make any babies please.


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