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Schedule of mtgs with Keith Wilson (lawyer) on Soviet Style Legislation in Alberta

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    Schedule of mtgs with Keith Wilson (lawyer) on Soviet Style Legislation in Alberta

    The following is a list of meetings to be held in January 2011, with guest speaker (Lawyer) Keith Wilson. Topic of discussion is the on-slaught of legislation passed in Alberta recently to force corporate agendas down Albertan's throats.

    Information on these meetings, as well as further documentation on the subject can be found at this site: landownersagainstbills.com

    Please print off this list and post it at your local bulletin boards, UFA etc... where it will be seen by EVERYONE.

    Remember this is not just a landowners problem...All Albertans will pay dearly for electricity if this Soviet sytle take-over of Alberta is allowed to continue.

    If you are reading this, you are "the resistance".

    1. January 10, 2011 7:00 pm Medicine Hat, Callaghan Inn Hotel & Convention Centre (Quality Inn), Local Area Landowners.

    2. January 11, 2011 1:00 pm Brooks
    Heritage Inn, Border Surface Rights Association.

    3.January 11, 2011 7:00 pm Taber
    Taber Legion, Border Surface Rights Association.

    4. January 12, 2011 1:30 pm
    Pincher Creek, Heritage Inn, South Porcupine Stewardship Assoc / WSGA.

    5.January 12, 2011 7:00 pm High River
    Highwood Memorial Centre, WSGA.

    6.January 13, 2011 7:00 pm Bonnyville
    Ardmore Community Hall, MD of Bonnyville.

    7.January 17, 2011 7:00 pm Leduc
    Nisku Inn, Local Landowner Group.

    8. January 24, 2011 7:00 pm Viking
    Viking Com. Hall, Local Surface Rights Group.

    9.January 25, 2011 1:30 pm Castor
    Castor Hall, Paintearth Protective Society.

    10. January 25, 2011 7:00 pm Trochu
    Trochu Community Centre, Tri-West Agro and WSGA.

    Kathy, I commented very slightly on Alberta's new 'Stalinland'(tic) law on this thread:


    So as I came back to this thread, I notice there are no comments from farmers about this legislation on your thread. Good grief.

    Either Albertan farmers don't care about their land, or else there must have been a lot of burdizzo's used on Alber's rural male babies. Pars


      Thanks for the info on upcoming meetings. It is vital that everyone who is a landowner attend one of these meetings. We are on the route of one of the proposed powerlines, have attended meetings by the companies and have joined an active landowner group to question and fight this legislation. In the not too distant future a proposed 6 lane divided highway would split 5 quarters of our land on a diagonal and separate us from the balance of owned and rented land, this would make it vitually impossible to continue farming due to other highways in the area etc. The bills the government has passed, 19 50 and 36 would limit any compensation or indeed the land could be seized for no compensation. The land could also be frozen for up to 20 years meaning no improvements to land or buildings without govt. consent even if such a highway is never built.I don't think it possible to grow an operation especially when bringing the next generation in, if some government employee is restricting every move. The legislation that has been passed and that is contemplated is something Stalin indeed would have been proud of.


        1.How strong is farmer participation?

        2. How vocal are companies and what is their main message?

        3.What is the landowners' main argument?

        4. Is the Government listening or are they token listeners? Pars


          Da West is Tired...

          Noone cares anymore, never did....

          Git out da pitch forks, dawn da sheets & hoods, time to fight for freedom... Nah, to busy holdin' da couch down....

          Let da Chips Fall Where dey May....

          Whine & Snivel about it when da smoke has cleared....


            parsley it seems too many AB farmers are in love with the AB Government and the PCs - they'll p m about the CWB until the cows come home but largely fall silent on this much bigger, more immediate issue.
            We have a very active power line opposition group in this area comprising many landowners but when it's all said and done many will still turn out and vote PC regardless. It's western Canada what else would they vote? This is one of the dangers of portraying anything other than very right wing as "communist" or "socialist". Most of the electorate are only mildly interested and informed on politics and have been brainwashed with this all their lives so are frightened to vote anything other than what they consider "safe, capitalist Conservatism" whereas you rightly identified the activities of the current regime as communist Conservatism.


              1)Most of the farmers in this area have joined along with many acreage owners. Group has engaged a lawyer to represent us at AUC hearing regarding necessity for power lines. Strong participation and the more people learn about the cumulative effect of these three bills, the more distain for the conservatives.
              2)The companies involved are the ones that have been awarded contracts to build and own lines, they are very vocal at expressing the "need" for such lines(and of course the money that will flow from them). A series of information(propoganda) meetings have been held, every objection carefully noted and then a few months later a written response that takes none of the concerns into account and just restates the companies position.There is a whole incestuous relationship between government,powerline and power generating companies that is too long to go into but if you attend one of the meetings your eyes may be opened.
              3) landowners arguments.
              This is complicated because 3 separate bills are involved. The power lines proceed under bill 50, the main landowner argument is that they are not needed (which is substantiated by the industrial users group) and that every consumer in this province will pay for a massive overbuild. The speculation is that all of these lines are meant to build a grid that enables power export to the US at the expense of the consumer. Normally a lengthy Needs Assessment is done, gov't said forget it we are going to build these regardless of cost.Bill 36, is diabolical. It divides province into Zones, all planning, control, and power is in the hands of the cabinet. Any title, lease or any other instrument affecting land or minerals can be confiscated without compensation and with no recourse to any court of law.Bill 19 deals with land assembly for major road, rail, utility corridors. Land can be essentially frozen for 20 to 30 years without compensation, Landowner has no right to appeal, every improvement to land whether a building(grainery)fence, ditch or anything else (additional house for a son entering the farm operation) has to be approved by the government. No compensation for anything but (eventually) land. Current expropriation act has 19 categories which have some sort of compensation aspect(loss of income, inconvenience etc) none of which have to be adressed under this bill.
              4) government listening. Only token listening,every government member in the area mouths the line that these bills are needed and will not have any impact. From conversations I have had both here and in Calgary many many people are fed up and the new party the Wildrose Alliance is rapidly gaining in support. I heard the leader speak, she is intelligent and articulate and believes strongly in property rights. If an overthrow happens in this province it will come from the right and not from the Libs or NDP.


                What a fascinating dynamic.

                And good for you for being involved; for doing the gruntwork to understand (politicians bathe citizens in confusing language); for actively fighting farmland expropriation; and for sharing your observations.

                We could be next.

                Let's not ever forget we are farmers who need our land. That is why my ancestors came to Canada in 1883. I have never, ever forgotten the reasons.

                A government is not conservative by declaring so, but rather by what it does. The same goes for all political parties. I have also found too many Alberta bureaucrats I have dealt with talk, but do not ACT as conservatives, instead they favor regulatory measures to control, as a tool to dispense with freedoms.

                What is Alberta's NDP and Liberal stance on land expropriation?

                Danielle Smith has always been firm on property rights. She and MO Garry Breitkreuz. Call him. He is so very knowledgeable. It is time well spent I promise you. And he actually likes farmers.

                Will you report on some meetings? I'd really appreciate it if you take a few notes and keep us posted.

                Too many Conservative MP's in Alberta are not conservative. They are opportunists, imho Thanks so much, Pars








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