Feed Me, Feed Me, I Hungie....
Most Guys only 1350 lbs??? Wanna know why??? Holdin' da couch down or at da Coffee Shop. If'n you's ain't gettin' minimum 2000 lbs per acre yield, whatch you's doin' farmin' ground???
Shood have bought yer inputs in da summer. I did, also knows where to buy CHEAP, Ship rail cars in Boyyy....
Ever herd of not buyin' Bran New??? Let some utter Comedian take da hit on drivin' it off da Lot. Or lease da equipment get new every year or two. Dis pays if'n you's know whatch yer doin'...
G = ........????????
Most Guys only 1350 lbs??? Wanna know why??? Holdin' da couch down or at da Coffee Shop. If'n you's ain't gettin' minimum 2000 lbs per acre yield, whatch you's doin' farmin' ground???
Shood have bought yer inputs in da summer. I did, also knows where to buy CHEAP, Ship rail cars in Boyyy....
Ever herd of not buyin' Bran New??? Let some utter Comedian take da hit on drivin' it off da Lot. Or lease da equipment get new every year or two. Dis pays if'n you's know whatch yer doin'...
G = ........????????