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My Experience at the C to C

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    Sounds like the same C to C I attended about 8 years ago.


      Thanks for sharing. It kind of confirms one of the things that I've been thinking. Namely that there are all sorts of farmers out there who really don't think that deeply about the whole CWB issue. Which plays right into the boards hands.



        The Russians distracted Daylate!

        Try again:


        The actual issue comes down to 'interpretation' of the CWB Act.

        CWB managers insist that 'orderly marketing' requires all CWB grain go through the pool accounts and growers be paid a 'blended' pool price basis... even though it was claimed to have been a 'cash' price that was paid.

        We have 2 pool adjustments going here.

        There is the pool factor in the setting of the PPO basis itself... and the secondary pooling factor now of the 'adjustment factor'.

        Setting the grade spreads using initial prices also factors pool 'orderly marketing' components that further drag cash prices off actual sales values.

        Then there is the selling of higher grade quality into lower value markets... and the adjustment in the pool price DOWN for the proper spec for that sale.

        Complex issues that few can get their minds around.

        No wonder the CWB can claim a premium... the whole system is designed to SAY every kernel is valued at a 'premium price'...

        But the pool value suffers as the CWB itself pays the premium to each class from the greater pool.

        An astute shell game that is not based on 'farm gate' grower value paid pricing... but on internal CWB value accounts the CWB itself designs and manipulates to prove the 'value' of the 'single desk'...

        When 'paper' blends are paid our farm on Canola green seed discounted grades... the farm gate price is maximised for our family. NOT so with CWB pool blending. THE opposite... value is instead extracted.

        Charlie, what do you think?


          Tom, You forgot to show them your picture. That would have clinched it and turned all those young progressive folks totally against the CWB.



            Anyone with an ounce of brains can pool a year of sales.

            The CWB must start to reflect transparent market values... or the misapplication of grain grower resources continues without resolution.

            This does not even affect the 'single desk'. Unless the 'single desk' only exists to discount price our grain.

            If the only reason the CWB exists... is to discount value CWB Board grains... then Burbert... someone will stop the abuse of 'designated area' grain growers... besides me.

            I need the CWB to work FOR our farm... not against our farm. I can NOT see why this means I am 'against' the CWB and want its destruction.

            But then do you even care about what grain growers actually need... Burbert???


              TomNot4CWB You sir are fer da Destruction or da Bored. You's might be foolin' everyone here wit yer Quotin' Stats & Scripture, Employin' yer poor Investigatin' Tatics, but you's ain't gonna fool I or Burbert, dat I kin tell you's....

              Bullsh!t is cheap, Takes Money to buy da Whiskey...


                You would know, GTO.


                  Why don't you tell all da guys/gals here what da G stands fer??? Maybe den we kin all join in on yer laughter....


                    Tom You always have good comments and feedback .
                    You and many others are trying to make our industry
                    better unlike others .Your only flaw is acknowledging
                    bto and burbert . They seem to wreck most threads.



                      We all have difficult folks to deal with each day.

                      Burbert and GTO make me appreciate every one else... just a little more!

                      Shucks... Agstar77 is almost a saint now!!!


                        TOM4CWB, I don't know what BTO said to get you going (I don't read anything from BTO anymore), but just ignore BTO as he/she has nothing but garbage to add to any post.... But I do value what you say.




                          ""Nobody loses anything by being polite,
                          but there are a lot of people who are afraid to take the risk."


                            It was good meeting you lnewman at the c to c.
                            It would have been good if we could have talked more.

                            I enjoyed the break out session and to hear different opinions and ideas from different farmers from different areas of the prairies
                            In the group I was in for the break out session there was not many farmers that opposed the Cwb or if they did they did not say so.
                            It would have been a bit more interesting for myself if there was more farmers in my group for the break out session that are opposed to the Cwb.

                            For my self the only Cwb crop we grow is Durum on our farm which makes up to 40 percent of our seeded acres.

                            Now I will get blasted for this and I can just imagine the response I will get from some of you for this.

                            I am happy having the Cwb market my Durum for me.

                            For me I do not like to forward contract as when ever I do I never seem to come ahead. I forward contracted 80 tonnes of Red lentils last fall for 20 cents/lb. There was some 30 cent prices after harvest. I had forward priced lentils, peas and canola in the past with act of God and very seldom did it work out for me.
                            For myself I like to make my contracts when I have the crop in the bin and I know the quality and quantity of what I have.
                            For the Durum harvest of 2009 if we could have forward contracted our Durum there was some good prices available.
                            I would not have done so and I would have waited until after harvest to contract any Durum and by then the high prices were not available.

                            I carried almost all my Durum from 2009 into this new crop year. The Cwb did not take all the Durum last crop year and the Durum prices sucked. The way I look at it they did me a favor for not taking all the Durum. The rest of the Durum I moved forward from last crop year to this year cost me $5 tonne but I will come out way further ahead than if I would have sold it last crop year or into the US market last year.
                            The Cwb told us not to grow Durum in the spring of 2009 the signals where there. I decided to seed it, it was up to me.

                            The prices in the US in 2009 were just as crappy as our price for Durum in Canada.
                            When the world prices are crappy not much the Cwb can do.

                            The Cwb did they did not take all the Durum in 2009, which in my opinion was the right thing to do.



                              Are you on hallucinating drugs or did you drink too much of the koolaid at that conference.

                              In feb 09 the durum pro was at 300 per tonne. At that same time american farmers were signing 7.00 plus durum contracts for the fall. All the cwb did was continually lower the pro until it fit into their pathetic sales equation. They did you no favours for the last crop year or this one. By the time you are delivering durum it will be over 9.00 dollars in the states and you stored it for two years. End. My bloods boiling.


                                Hard to type on my Black berry.

                                Hard to say what we will end up for a final Durum price for this crop year but it will be significantly higher than last year.
                                If I had the money in the bank there is no way I could make that much interest in the bank.
                                If I had to borrow to pay bills the gain in the Durum price would more than make up for interest charges.

                                As for Wheat and Barley I have no opinion to share as I only grow feed barley and hardly grow any wheat.

                                The initial payments do suck and it is a long time to wait for the money to come.
                                That was one of the biggest complaints is that the initial payments suck. The Cwb said they are trying to do something about the low initial payments.
                                I do not participate in any of the other payment options available to farmers so I can not comment on them.


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