No, I said dec2012 thats' when I will be paid for the verona I put in the ground this year.
You are missing the point, you like the cwb sytem for the rest of us but don't enjoy it for yourself.
Same terms as the cwb forces me to give them.
Business is not as pretty when someone wants to force terms on you.
Ther is no problem paying for it up front, its the principal. Its like being told by some pee-on at the cwb how great the system is and then asking them if they wait 18 months for their paycheck. They are not to responsive to that suggestion.
Much like yourself Jag, you really don't like the 18 months wait for payment on your verona but you expect its ok for me.
You are missing the point, you like the cwb sytem for the rest of us but don't enjoy it for yourself.
Same terms as the cwb forces me to give them.
Business is not as pretty when someone wants to force terms on you.
Ther is no problem paying for it up front, its the principal. Its like being told by some pee-on at the cwb how great the system is and then asking them if they wait 18 months for their paycheck. They are not to responsive to that suggestion.
Much like yourself Jag, you really don't like the 18 months wait for payment on your verona but you expect its ok for me.