My agenda was to find younger progressive farmers at the C to C who supported the board.
There were many farmers representing all regions of the prairies. Not long after being there I
could sense the “east – west” thinking. What is with the Alberta – Sask border and the CWB, it
is like a different country.
I met 3 younger farmers with their background being the following:
1. 20 miles NE of Regina – 6000 Acres
2. North of Moosomin – 3000 Acres and Custom Sprayer
3. SW of Winnipeg close to the US Border – 3500 Acres and Custom Sprays (Father/ Son
I asked various questions to the above farmers. They all said that they were board supporters
but were on the fence. They were not sure but still voted for the board.
Question 1. Why are you on the fence?
1. Dad has always voted for the board and it is just easier.
2. Dad wants a free market and Grandad loved the board. I like it because I am busy
spraying and one less thing for me to do.
3. The neighbors vote for the board and I have no real opinion.
Question 2. What do you do for cash flow?
The all said, “ Sell canola”!
Question 3. What is the difference of selling wheat vs. canola, they are both commodities and
maybe if we didn’t sell all of our canola in the fall we wouldn’t flood the market?
All three farmers responded with silence. After a few moments they all basically said they do
not want the Viterras and Cargill’s of the world profiting from our wheat.
When they could not answer a question they would all go silent. If I didn’t change the topic
they would not talk any longer. They are great people but they need leaders. Speaking of
leaders, Wow what a group to leaders… two of which had their own personal agendas. One
was on roundup ready wheat and the other was concerning producer cars. Instead of the
bigger issues which pertained to the CWB. I can go on and on, if you would like to ask me a
question I will respond. One last point, all farmers I talked to said that Barley should not be
part of the CWB.
There were many farmers representing all regions of the prairies. Not long after being there I
could sense the “east – west” thinking. What is with the Alberta – Sask border and the CWB, it
is like a different country.
I met 3 younger farmers with their background being the following:
1. 20 miles NE of Regina – 6000 Acres
2. North of Moosomin – 3000 Acres and Custom Sprayer
3. SW of Winnipeg close to the US Border – 3500 Acres and Custom Sprays (Father/ Son
I asked various questions to the above farmers. They all said that they were board supporters
but were on the fence. They were not sure but still voted for the board.
Question 1. Why are you on the fence?
1. Dad has always voted for the board and it is just easier.
2. Dad wants a free market and Grandad loved the board. I like it because I am busy
spraying and one less thing for me to do.
3. The neighbors vote for the board and I have no real opinion.
Question 2. What do you do for cash flow?
The all said, “ Sell canola”!
Question 3. What is the difference of selling wheat vs. canola, they are both commodities and
maybe if we didn’t sell all of our canola in the fall we wouldn’t flood the market?
All three farmers responded with silence. After a few moments they all basically said they do
not want the Viterras and Cargill’s of the world profiting from our wheat.
When they could not answer a question they would all go silent. If I didn’t change the topic
they would not talk any longer. They are great people but they need leaders. Speaking of
leaders, Wow what a group to leaders… two of which had their own personal agendas. One
was on roundup ready wheat and the other was concerning producer cars. Instead of the
bigger issues which pertained to the CWB. I can go on and on, if you would like to ask me a
question I will respond. One last point, all farmers I talked to said that Barley should not be
part of the CWB.