The similiarities with the pools are quite profound, they continued to endorse candidates that spewed the pool doctrine until they led them all right into the ground.
Problem here is we cannot fix the voting process with the CWB which is so obvioulsy a flawed represntation of the community it is supposed to represent, and the CWB will never fail
they simply subtract more to cover losses and no one every calculates teh "opportunity cost" of not being able to sell 9.00 wheat when the market hit the other day.
All we can hope is eventually the 60% who choose not to be involved realize that 50 cents a bushel on an average of a 40 bushel wheat crop over 25 years is 1/2 a million dollars, and with elevator handling costs well over our US counterparts, added to the average price being under the average Minneapolic price of wheat (much less high protein hard red premium wheat) we can easily assume this "opportunity cost". Added to the fact that the CWB sells your wheat even when would hold no shorts EVER exist to drive the market up... anyway...
The Russians are free, they need to survive on their own merit, the spirit and energy we witnessed is what drive people who need to win, at all costs.
It is the reason why when someone else sells your porduct they do not care about what you need to pay your bills or average your net return on that crop.
Problem here is we cannot fix the voting process with the CWB which is so obvioulsy a flawed represntation of the community it is supposed to represent, and the CWB will never fail
they simply subtract more to cover losses and no one every calculates teh "opportunity cost" of not being able to sell 9.00 wheat when the market hit the other day.
All we can hope is eventually the 60% who choose not to be involved realize that 50 cents a bushel on an average of a 40 bushel wheat crop over 25 years is 1/2 a million dollars, and with elevator handling costs well over our US counterparts, added to the average price being under the average Minneapolic price of wheat (much less high protein hard red premium wheat) we can easily assume this "opportunity cost". Added to the fact that the CWB sells your wheat even when would hold no shorts EVER exist to drive the market up... anyway...
The Russians are free, they need to survive on their own merit, the spirit and energy we witnessed is what drive people who need to win, at all costs.
It is the reason why when someone else sells your porduct they do not care about what you need to pay your bills or average your net return on that crop.