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CWB and Young Farmers

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    wow what a thread. family where the hell do you
    think i am the last two weeks. in white fish with
    my family skiing. yes my 12 and 8 year old plus
    wife and me.
    family time is so important.
    but getting away is also important part of any
    prosperous farm. land is land any given day you
    can pick up more just maybe not in 10 mile
    radius but its out their always. lots of buyers and
    the CWB is a noose around our necks that needs
    to be gone.


      Also this old money BS thing try hard work lots
      of hard work and strategic planning.
      simply hoping for neighbor to sell to you isn't
      enough. i have guys that are still farming that i
      know i am buying out its deals we made years
      ago. their is also other guys that every time we
      see we mention buying them out. if you don't ask
      don't expect to gain land. I bought some a few
      years back and all it took was a phone call to
      alberta googled the guys name and made a call.
      5 hours later i owned another section.
      For every one you don't get you usually get two
      for your effort.
      BTO the huts are looking at buying me out then i
      can move to your area and take you out. ha
      off to the mountain deep powder today.


        Freewheat,you are correct. We all forget what is important in life. All I have to do is talk to the new imigrants that continue to make Sask their new home to realize how lucky many have it here.

        To clarify my comments and your question.

        What I basically mean is that we all have a choice on what land, what area we farm. Now maybe today, you can't move your 1500 acre farm to another region but over the years that you have grown you had a chance to move in certain directions to grow your dirt. The other thing we all have is an option to control and maintain the land. Now 2010 and maybe a couple years prior have been difficult for you and your area but hear me out.

        Any dirt we took on over the past 15-20 years we have always spent considerable time improving it. Like many others, this includes brush clearing, ditching, taking down hills, filling in lows etc. It takes a lot of time and there is a cost but in years like 2006 and 2010 it has shown the benefits. We often do this on rented land as well (ie ditching) but you have to be careful and know/have a good relationship with your renter.

        I do understand living in an area in which you could do absolutely nothing and that is what 2010 brought to many. If you are in a flat zone, water doesn't "run off" and many will have issues in 2011. For us, pretty much all the land has been spiked last fall because we felt that it would increase our chances in spring.

        For many reason's I don't like Agriville because so many slam those that claim they think outside the box. Its the same as the CWB debate. While I don't care if the board exists or not, I continue to work through the programs provided, grow alternative non CWB crops, etc to maximize the crop returns as best that I can, I would love to see it gone.

        I can't help but think that the main reason I would like to see it gone it because of the constant debate or complaints I hear about its existence. (and don't get me wrong, many of you have valid issues)


          I hear Staples is having a sale on Pencil Sharpeners. You's all should get some, gonna need dem reeding all dese Genie Marketeers posts on crunchin' numbers......


            SaskFarmertree yer Daddy's ChequeBook ain't quite big enough to buy me out. Besides I will NEVER sell to nobody. Nones of you's are smart enough to werk My Ground. If I ever die, da land all goes back to Natural Prairie. Da Hutts will NEVER git my land, even when I gone, dat I kin guarantee wit my Will.......


              Bto after quite a few beer, ok its american
              watered down piss i have come to a conclusion
              from reading your posts.
              I believe you really don't have a pot to piss in.
              1. who calls them selves big time operator.
              probably you have a section of nice ground or
              live in city and don't own a frisking acre.
              2. you are trying to make it sound like you want
              us to believe you have a lot.
              3.your drivel you spout if one farmed really
              doesn't represent progressive farmers. (ndp ones
              maybe but progressive not)
              4. I need more beer back later.


                Laugh out Loud....

                Good guessin', but wrong, keep tryin'....

                Kin't even go on da Familiy Holiday witout drinkin' kin you??? Alcoholic...

                You kin git help fer dis you knows eh???


                  BTO - Were you picked on in school? Nevemind I know the answer.


                    Who cares how a young farmer got his start? The point is that they are farming and that is in itself a success. Anyone can make money in good times like we've seen the last 3 or 4 years, but when we see challenges again in the future we will see who is a farmer and who is a manager. It might be supprising to see who left standing. As far as the CWB goes, for the most part farmers want to keep the CWB, buisnessmen want it gone.



                      Do you think he went to school? Grade eight tops, the way he writes.


                        I quit in Grade 8 cause I was smarter den da Teacher. Don't you's remember???

                        Da next 5 years gonna seperate da Men from da Boys. Rent goin' true da Roof, cause of me. Gist gotta wait fer da current leases to end. Laugh Out Loud!!!!!!!!!


                          saskframer, you are the most amazing, phoney on this site. You are everywheere all the time. On topatha world, on skiies, drunk on Ameriken beer sun tannin on a beach all at the same time. Farmin buying only the best, workin hard, helpin neighbours, markeetering, givin lectures to the unwashed, workin, advisin the gov't on what and when to do it. Trashin everyone and everything, huffing and puffin, while usin lectronic gadgets. Takin care of the best, most happy farm family on the planet, while joggin to the bank wit wads and wads of cash. And ta think you are callin others phoney!!


                            Burpfart living the dream. smart hard work and
                            enjoy your family. Im for real to bad your not!!!!
                            See you all at Brandon next week as i will be



                              Did you look in the mirror lately???

                              " Farmin buying only the best, workin hard, helpin neighbours, markeetering, givin lectures to the unwashed, workin, advisin the gov't on what and when to do it. Trashin everyone and everything, huffing and puffin, while usin lectronic gadgets."

                              NOW... Burbert... you and GTO go look in the mirror!!!


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