Maybe someone can help me with a stupid question I have.
Why is it canola can bring new varieties forward that deal issues (club
root, black leg, etc.) within 2 to 3 years of becoming a bigger
problem and yet fusarium graminearium/mycotoxins associated with
it have been around for 20 years with limited to no varietal solutions
(are fungicide and agronomic solutions but limited effectiveness in a
year like the current one).
What makes cereals different than canola?
Why is it canola can bring new varieties forward that deal issues (club
root, black leg, etc.) within 2 to 3 years of becoming a bigger
problem and yet fusarium graminearium/mycotoxins associated with
it have been around for 20 years with limited to no varietal solutions
(are fungicide and agronomic solutions but limited effectiveness in a
year like the current one).
What makes cereals different than canola?