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Has Jan 12th USDA Report been leaked?

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    Has Jan 12th USDA Report been leaked?

    Just looking at old and new crop prices of corn and beans this morning. Also, new crop canola breaking out to the upside.
    Any news, maybe lack of rain in S.A.? Whats pushing this ahead of the report?

    "The rally in corn caught many by surprise this morning. There appeared
    to be some fund buying, but there also were buy stops sitting above the 20-day
    moving average, which is at $6.06."

    "Smaller than expected rainfall
    amounts over the weekend in Argentina helped turn the market momentum back to
    the upside along with supportive outside market movement."

    "Wheat was expected to be mixed today but the row crop and outside market strength has it higher at midday."

    All great but f'ing oats down 7 cents! What a loser!


      ya, oats are quite the story, considering the lack of production in Canada. And those big oat growing areas, are wetter than ever right now.


        One day from the report. Will it be a buy the rumor/sell the facts one?


          OATS, OATS, oats, they aren't on the wheatie board, that's why theys at an all time high OPEEN MARKET. What is it 2.81 per bushel, wow thats real comedian coin. What more could you ask for. 300 Bu per acre x 2.81, gonna by a new tractor this year fer sure eh! Oats is the future, the only way to go, oats, oats, oats fer me this year, votin wit me drill........


            Burbert oats are 3.50 here last week picked up and are up hard this morning...


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