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Current CWB Issues #43: The CWB misses the point on price comparisons - againþ

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    <img scr="http://img21.imageshack.us/img21/1816/cwbisbad.jpg" />

    I just found this. It was posted a while back. You guys were right.



      I just found this. It was posted a while back. You guys were right.



        It was not tom4cwb... I can assure you.

        Did you drink something toxic cchurch???


          Maybe it was this

          &lt;a href=&quot;http://s647.photobucket.com/albums/uu197/thecandianeh/?action=view&amp;amp;current=free-choice-23823-1.jpg&quot; target=&quot;_blank&quot;&gt;&lt;/a&gt;


            My farm appreciates and continues to benefit from all the work and effort the wheat grower organization has done and continues to do.
            Once again in their press release they accurately point out western farmers realize zero benefit from the cwb and in fact costs your farm a substantial amounts of monies year in and out.
            Is this really press release news worthy or even new news for that matter? In the early to mid 1970's a fellow from Milk River Alta. by the name of Lyle Walker for a number of years wrote about the short comings and how the cwb was a detriment to the western farm community. For most of us this was all new news and very enlightening.
            Now with the electronic age even a non technical savvy dude like myself can stumble around on a computer and find out what my grain is worth in a number of locations around the country or world for that matter. It does not take long to see as the wheat growers and others continue to point out there never was and still continues to be no financial benefit for the cwb.
            What annoys frustrates or I find more than disappointing is,if the wheat growers know and continue to believe there is no benefit too the cwb then why don't they press Harper,Ritz on this manner in a more vocal and public manner.
            Has anyone ever seen or read a release or comment from the wheat growers commenting on how its NOT ok for Harper and company to continue to let guys like myself, a greedy farmer,to lose 10,25,50 75,100.00 dollars per acre off my and your farm. Where is the chart and comments about that?
            One would think after 2 or 3 years a innovative organization like the wheat growers would catch on that the feds have done bugger all on this cwb file and is it not time for your voice to be heard.
            But,alas 4 years later and still no comment on the feds lack of performance on this cwb issue.
            Does the gag order apply to the wheat growers also?


              Tanks TomNot4CWB, learned alot from yer Chart that you draw........


                There were a few farmers for just me/wheat growers around here a few years ago telling all that would listen how bad the CWB were but they went bankrupt and now I get my BS on the internet.



                  I see you don't believe in this "revelation" about the CWB - it doesn't get premiums and it does twist or spin the messages about itself.

                  Just like you didn't believe in the -$3.49 - the result of CWB premiums minus CWB marketing costs. (Don't worry, I'm not waiting for your response to my last question; I realize I'm not going to get one.)

                  But, if you don't mind, I do have one question:

                  If you don't believe in any of this....what DO you believe in?



                    It is important that the political rhetoric STOP from CWB sources.

                    THE NFU and CFA can sing all the praises they like about the CWB... fine it is their opinion.

                    HOWEVER... when the CWB spends MY families hard earned money... on propaganda and 'mistruths' that are deceptive and can not be backed up with reliable results:

                    I and my community are rightfully offended.

                    If the CWB works on straightening this mess out... follows their own bylaws... and becomes non-political like they say I should be... then you folks would be justified in your comments.

                    Until then... you are hypocrites taking my families hard earned blood sweat and tears!!!.


                      Tom you were asked at a meeting when you were running for director if you would change you oppinion of the CWB if elected and there was proof that the CWB put more money in a producers pocket. You would not answer the question at that time. talk about an open mind.


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