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    Good one, cole. I loved that. LOLOL


      Do Elephants have the same worth as you? How about cows?

      Man has justified killing animals for his survial as his "god given right" and this has translated into law.

      Green Movement don't eat meat because cows are equal to people.

      I don't agree, which is funny.

      What separates us from other animals? In M, nothing does. pars


        Your paragraph;

        "So wouldn't the question be, "Do we forge ahead in all the labs across the world, and "do it" even if it destroys man, it mames goats, it elimiates fleas? Should science has morals? Whose? What is a moral benchmark? Don't ask me, btw."

        Pretty much sums it all up. Absolutes are impossible in this game. There are gray areas for certain but I believe they are smaller than you allege.

        I like numbers, and the numbers tell me that in the last 15 or so years that GMO food has been widely eaten, no one has died from it. The number who have died in that same time frame from starvation and or malnutrition is unconscionable. That is why if I had to choose, I'd pick living in a world governed by Monsanto, as opposed to Robert Mugabe.


          Yes, I realize you are depending upon novel cropping practices yields to replace?/correct?/defeat? political regimes that don't work in the interests of their citizens, and that's that."Here's a 90bu/acre crop Robert, now be a good boy and don't sever arms" Works like a charm, huh?

          Hard to support yout goal with numbers from successful precedents, tho.

          So I'll ask this:

          If you found there was irreparable harm to genes, to bloodlines, that traced back to certain man made genetic modifications,would you continue on as is, saying, screw it, it's just an acceptable % of harmful effects or would you change your mind and examine the harm as a precedent that could be occurring in other events?, Just curious. Pars



            The beauty of Science in 2011;

            If there is a theory of a group of scientists proving x does y:

            There is another theory by almost as many scientists proving x has nothing to do with y: it was w that actually caused the problem.

            Do we have enough ethics to stand up for truth and justice? Will we respect and defend our neighbours right to decency, self-determination, and freedom?

            I truly hope science will respect the individual and their inherent right to exist in peace. If not... we are closer to armageddon than any would care to admit!

            WD9, I have found the courts to be a very poor substitute for common sense and justice. If we cannot persuade others of our position with positive actions and outcomes and solutions... we had better use a different approach that better show good will and fairness.

            Searching for the solution involves interaction and soul searching!

            The beauty of being a human being... and what makes us very different than a cow!!!


              I'll set aside the "Safe food" book that Coleville has co-authored in the last 18 hours. It's evident that the GM model has convinced him it is better than the unaltered since it yields more to feed the world's starving masses.

              I'll concentrate on the word "cheap" customer food as that appears to be an equal goal for ColevilleH2S farming. I know that you will be the best there is at that objective as you will have cornered the market, and will now have been out of the market for many months.

              Indeed, if you have any available supplies left, you would not be interested in releasing them at current prices as your target group can't afford it.

              I'm hearing that you must be well satisfied with your saintly (noble)goal of COP, and perhaps a few pennies, but only if it doesn't stop the feeding.

              I bow down to you, my lollipop.


                TomNot4CWB - WD40, I have found the courts to be a very poor substitute for common sense and justice. If we cannot persuade others of our position with positive actions and outcomes and solutions... we had better use a different approach that better show good will and fairness.

                I Hopes you's got Deep Pockets. Dis da only way you's kin accomplish yer Ideals. Moneys Talk..........


                  BTO, you seem to be slipping in and out of hick.


                    If'n you are referrin' to da above post, it was a copy & paste. If'n dis ain't what you meen den ware you talkin about???



                      You forgot about 'VanderZalm' intervention!


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