Back to large systems and theory.
I trapped moles this summer; killed them; fed them to my cat.
{moles are equal to cats are equal to Parlsey}
---in the eyes of the scientific community,
---in the eyes of the courts,
---in the eyes of society,
Who decides and what rules decide when
{{mole sues cat sues Parsley}}?
Where do we get rights from?
It's such an obviously dumb question.
Toms would say, "Man gets his divine right from God"
Those who traditionally believe in God operate under an "accepted" system, where man derives special status from God, and follows moral rules. Is this what you refer to, Tom, in your last post?
But today, less and less believe in God.
As science systematically compares the similar genes my mole and I share, there is a shift away from creationism, isn't there?
As a consequence, masses gradually refuse to adhere to any religion's pre-packaged set of rules. Man no longer automatically succumbs to the established system of right and wrong.
So if there is no, "Don't do that or you go to Hell", stick to wield, (and religion IS a very very effective way of getting the masses to make THEMSELVES make better choices), what then"?
What could be a substitute stick? Law? Haitian law? International law?
Bit of a problem, isn't it.
BTO finds "the courts to be a very poor substitute for common sense and justice." No kidding. LOL
Scrap them?
BTO than says "Deep Pockets" will solve all.
Who HAS deep pockets? G20 doesn't. LOL
Are you saying if I'm rich, I win the mole litigation? Are you saying China automatically wins against USA because they have more money?
If coleville has scads of money, then in the eyes of society, will coleville be able to legitimately, legally and morally chop BTO in pieces and feed him to polar bears?
Are we saying morals are passe? Or some morals are passe? Who's?
As new theory supercedes established tradition, how can we build:
1. decency
2. responsibility
3. self-restraint
into the new system?
Or should we?
I am really boring AV'ers, aren't I, Joe. LOL
Last post on this, I promise. Pars
I trapped moles this summer; killed them; fed them to my cat.
{moles are equal to cats are equal to Parlsey}
---in the eyes of the scientific community,
---in the eyes of the courts,
---in the eyes of society,
Who decides and what rules decide when
{{mole sues cat sues Parsley}}?
Where do we get rights from?
It's such an obviously dumb question.
Toms would say, "Man gets his divine right from God"
Those who traditionally believe in God operate under an "accepted" system, where man derives special status from God, and follows moral rules. Is this what you refer to, Tom, in your last post?
But today, less and less believe in God.
As science systematically compares the similar genes my mole and I share, there is a shift away from creationism, isn't there?
As a consequence, masses gradually refuse to adhere to any religion's pre-packaged set of rules. Man no longer automatically succumbs to the established system of right and wrong.
So if there is no, "Don't do that or you go to Hell", stick to wield, (and religion IS a very very effective way of getting the masses to make THEMSELVES make better choices), what then"?
What could be a substitute stick? Law? Haitian law? International law?
Bit of a problem, isn't it.
BTO finds "the courts to be a very poor substitute for common sense and justice." No kidding. LOL
Scrap them?
BTO than says "Deep Pockets" will solve all.
Who HAS deep pockets? G20 doesn't. LOL
Are you saying if I'm rich, I win the mole litigation? Are you saying China automatically wins against USA because they have more money?
If coleville has scads of money, then in the eyes of society, will coleville be able to legitimately, legally and morally chop BTO in pieces and feed him to polar bears?
Are we saying morals are passe? Or some morals are passe? Who's?
As new theory supercedes established tradition, how can we build:
1. decency
2. responsibility
3. self-restraint
into the new system?
Or should we?
I am really boring AV'ers, aren't I, Joe. LOL
Last post on this, I promise. Pars