I have been a long time reader or lurker if you will but seldom post perhaps some would think I do not contribute much when I do, however I have begun to follow the site a good deal less since BTO showed up with his childish comments. In an earlier post Joe you said you wouldn hate to force any one away for being grouchy,``I feel uncomfortable kicking someone off of Agriville because they are grouchy...these guys have stopped swearing and don't break the rules...although they push the boundaries of good taste sometimes. `` Well I think you would be well founded in throwing him or anyone else off for his racist comments regarding hutterites, please feel free to to review some of his posts. Just to to point out BTO I amnot a Hutterite nor do I wish to be one but any hutterite I have met has displayed better manners and intelligence than you. As I have said before I just find it embarrassing to have him spouting off with his stupidity.
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Joe BTO needs to go
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Did you ever stop to consider how difficult it is for us cussers and insulters and farters and belchers and loonies to put up with the holier-than-thou' ers? Pars
As one who posts on an occasional basis, I do find it sad that the level of posts by some is quite silly and mean spirited. I like to follow this site as there are many western Canadian farmers who post and I like to read and talk marketing and crops. I guess everybody has a different idea of how communication on the internet should be. I for one would like to think we could all talk with the civility that one would use if we sat across from one another at the fall fowl supper in your local town or at the machinery dealership. I realize that on the internet we have the choice to just go to another site and ignore those that seek to disrupt, and cause problems but it’s an unfortunate state when a few can ruin the good interactions of the majority. I know the CWB issues commands an enormous amount of space on this site but when both side can state their case with some measure of good manners the posts are a much better read. I hate to think it has to be the law of the jungle out there. We can be better than that.
I say ban this looser BTO, he is a racist, a sicko, and a biggot. We shouldnt have to read his crap polluting this site. Parsley you know better, I respect your ideas but have no room for these losers or their friends. If you like him so much tell him and maybe you can become chat buddies some where else. If they dont go I will be spending allot more time over on "new ag talk" but I prefer this site because of its local feeling. I tell my kids, If your hang out with losers long enough you become one.
No I think Parsley is just right on this one - the hypocrisy from some of those seeking to ban certain people for racism, bad language etc is only targeted at one segment of the posters - the pro-CWB lobby. The person that initiated this thread mentioned the anti-hutterite sentiments and I totally agree with his/her point of view but why ban BTO for this offense as I know others make derogatory statements about the hutterites also.
It's got to be all or nothing - shut up and let people post what they want or have a carefully censored site (which you would have to pay for)which treats everyone equally. I have no time for this self appointed, dictatorial, one sided censorship that many of you seem to desire.
Anyone need a Tissue???
Lotta Whinin' & Snivelin' goin' on over here...
What seems to be da problem now Comedian Wit Bored Supporters??? Always me, me, me, more, more, more. Never Happy are You's??? Get wit da Program Folks, we ain't in Grade School No more...
I have never sayed anyting derogatory about da Hutts. Sayin' dey farm to much land & tellin' all you's da true history on dem Ain't Racist.....
Better Manners??? Seen a Hutterite Spit on da floor in da local Restaurant. Taught noone was lookin', but I was. Da list is never endin' on dese Better Manners as you call it...
We all knows you's are gonna still reed here, sooo don't tell any Stories like TallTaleTom....
agree with grass,pars and releaf all of you but some of the commnents DID cross the line, curiosity got the better of me so eyeballed the ruckus and the comments in question.
Not Good
Interesting concept if some parents quarantine their children from those who don't measure up to parental standards.
Racists, sickos, and biggots?
You'll probably kick me off for saying this, but I have friends in jail, friends who have schitzophrenia, friends who hate athiests, friends in 'wacky menopause', friends who hate 'religious freaks', friends who are suicidal, friends who curse, friends who've been drunk, and killed people, friends who gossip, friends who lie, friends who cheat on their income tax, friends who hate all Irish, friends who speed, friends who verbally claim Norwegians are smarter than Swedes(now that's low)....
Help me out here. Should I advertise to upgrade my friends? lol "Sorry" and overlooking is never an option, is that right? Pars
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