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Joe BTO needs to go

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    The doggerel is not that offensive . The swearing is just ignorant, bye R, it is the mean spirited tone of some of the posters that is disapointing. Can't we just all respect each others opinions? That's what makes it fun.


      u r always fun to play with aggie (>: parsnip


        Folks let's get back to agriculture and farming talk. This posts sounds like the latest episode off of gossip girl!


          BreadWinner...the way I put it is You lie down with dogs you wake up with fleas

          Hutterites...some/many steal, some are drunks....so they are just like a lot of the rest of society.

          Don't focus on the crap in life

          "aaaa its all good"


            Censorship! Who decides what is good/bad?
            Being foul mouthed and swearing at people, isn't very nice. But its human and it shows how small a brain the individual has in his/her head. Not agreeing with someones point of view, or expressing an opinion should not be censored! Bye Ron, hope ta meet you in person someday. I'll know ya immediately, "Screw da Wheat B., and F ya'll"



              "Being foul mouthed and swearing at people, isn't very nice. But its human and it shows how small a brain the individual has in his/her head."

              GUESS WHAT YOU JUST DID in the post above???


                TallTaleTom looks to me like Burbert just said he will be able to point out Ron easily because he's always Yellin' & Screamin' "Screw da CWB & F'yall". What kin't you comprehend???? Simple fer me......


                  Grassfarmer. your comments from your last post
                  " I have no time for this self appointed, dictatorial, one sided censorship that many of you seem to desire "
                  Sounds just like the board. Irony at its best.


                    Well I will concede that parsley and grass farmer may be right and with that in mind I will click my politically correct mouse elsewhere as per parsley's advice.Just a few comments before I go however.
                    Firstly I have never been accused of being politically correct before and I even got a chuckle out of that one. Secondly I do know what right and wrong are, and that is what makes civilization work. If you think calling people names and belittling their beliefs and way of life is OK then you should be right at home in Rwanda, Cockroaches as BTO once called Hutterites is the term one side used for the other just before they sluaghtered them with machetes. I have heard the expression that it is great to be open minded but not so open minded that your brains fall out.


                      I would vote to ban BTO and Burbert just to rid the sheer stupidity they post on this site. Has nothing to do with censorship. Getting rid of an idiot on a chat-line is just a good idea.

                      You two are ignorant pricks. Plain and simple. You bring nothing of value to this site. Closed minded jerks that just like to piss people off are not needed here!!!!


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