And when the season's over, we all get the same amount of dirt . . .
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Farmland’s Important Little Investment Secret
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We'll likely see more and more small town businesses closing if more farming is done by this type of group. You're right, the inputs will be bought direct, and the profits of the farm will go where ever to the investors that don't know their ass from a hole in ground. Never have to worry about the weather, paying the bills or ......anything. At the end of the day a couple or 3% on their investment is better than the interest in the bank.
They are buying up farm land for more than its worth, and just making it more difficult for a young person to even think about starting to farm. Look what happened to all the investors money put down into the Hog Industry. Apparently some of the barns being foreclosed on are hardly getting the price of the land back..... Something crooked in this whole picture.
The only thing that you can taken any comfort from is these companies usually never survive because they employ the most useless idiots they can get their hands on!!Farm managers who used to teach farm management who were previously farmers who went bankrupt.
if the locals dont want the corporate farmers in the area, they should apply the boycott, invented by the irish 150 yrs ago to get rid of bad landlords/factors.try looking for boycott on google, its an eye opener.
even new zealand, previously a family farmers paradise is falling to the corporates.
There has been the suggestion that the reason why Europe and Americas farm support network is more responsive to farm profit margins, is the higher % of corporate involvement. Landlords often have political power.
Having a scotch with a corporate land owner and a top government official talking better farm policy to enhance the investment and manage risk, is never a bad thing.
After many years of urban investment outpacing ag. investment the tide has turned. Land IS better than gold, and we have an operating system that if managed well can yield a return. The recipe works.
With some of the cheapest land in the world, get used to it.
Some of you just don't get it and that's why history is so important. My one grandfather left Germany because of no future farming you basically worked for someone and never got ahead. The other left Russia for the same reason.
Simply whats happening in Canada is the same shit different way of presenting it.
I still say look at the genius who sold his land and rented it back where is he know.
In our area I would purchase another 6,000,000.00 of land if i could get some neighbors to sell but seems once you get to a certain size your the enemy that's another Saskatchewan story. Damn NDP neighbors.
Whats funny about some comments is such a hot market nothing is available. That's a Joke. One or two quarters is still Property you own no one else and your not sending your hard earned cash to some putz who is doing nothing.
I totally agree with haveapulse, it is going to happen, but what I saw in the UK was the failure of these companiesin the 80-90's, leaving a hell of a mess. Those that tried to farm did everything to increase margins, and even with their financial clout and special insider deals their farming practices destroyed them (ie Fountain farming UK). Cutting corners and planning from a city office usually allows Mother Nature to show who is boss!
Those that are only interested in investment in land will always find some poor lad who ego is bigger than his bank balance. Then you have just pushed the clock back to a medieval feudal system,with all it's consequences.
Here is a quote pasted on a thread by you on November 29 2010. Thought were talking about yourself, but if you have a extra 6 million kicking around, i guess you must have meant someone else????
"This is just a rumor right now but usually where their is smoke theirs fire.
Seems after some 10 yrs running a very nice operation just by the Qu'Appelle valley will be renting out farm.
The Accountant says its nice you gave it everything, gave it all you could and then some, but your still loosing huge amounts of Cash. So you better wind it down.
Rumor or again does mother nature run the show in harsh western Canada."
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