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CN, Via bribing natives to not blockade railway

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    CN, Via bribing natives to not blockade railway


    As much as both sides may want to spin otherwise, what it boils down to is that the railways lost millions of dollars when a few Mohawks blockaded the railway and the OPP let them. Now the railways are paying their blood money to hope to prevent it from happening again. Should make you feel good about freight rates.

    Extortion, outwresting, and/or exaction is a criminal offense which occurs when a person unlawfully obtains either money, property or services from a person(s), entity, or institution, through coercion. Refraining from doing harm is sometimes euphemistically called protection. Extortion is commonly practiced by organized crime groups. The actual obtainment of money or property is not required to commit the offense. Making a threat of violence which refers to a requirement of a payment of money or property to halt future violence is sufficient to commit the offense. Exaction refers not only to extortion or the unlawful demanding and obtaining of something through force,[1] but additionally, in its formal definition, means the infliction of something such as pain and suffering or making somebody endure something unpleasant.[2]

    Why are they letting the Natives get away with this?


      I wonder what would have happened if it had been caucasian protesters who had blocked the railway?


        T-Man.... they would have had us in jail before we even started. Who says there isn't a double standard in this country.


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