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World Rioting

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    World Rioting

    Sectarian violence between Muslims and Christians has become more commonplace.

    Often, countries are lumped into regions, ie: Algeria, Libya, Mauritania, Morocco, Tunisia

    This region, spans the African coast of the Mediterranean. Tunisia has been rioting all weeek. Libya and Tunisia are somewhat trying to get out of the poverty level, but the region is poor compared to how we live. PM Harper is in Morocco today

    Another region is often referred to as Greater Arabia:
    Egypt, Jordan, Kuwait, Palestinian Territories, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Yemen

    Oil makes this Islam region a key political and financial player. Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates are rich. Abu Dhabi has a $40,000 per capita Yemenhas probably 2 thou.

    Egypt has been rioting. 40% Egyptians lives on minus $2/day.


      riots yesterday in Egypt, today in Yemen,,,,nowdays you have to watch for the curve ball coming from anywhere,,,,interesting times

      What effect on durum prices??? Tunisia et al ?


        Lebanon, Bahrain, Gaza Strip, Iran, Iraq, Syria are the countries referred to as Iranistan.

        Lebanaon is just starting to riot.

        Iran has oil, is educated,and extreme Islam. They they import food, consumer goods, high-tech goods, and refined petroleum.

        Riots turn the markets upside down. ie Egypt's market puked today. USA has kept military in Egypt.

        Just a few notes fyi, Pars


          Normally , durum prices should rise.

          But, keep an eye on the winking eyes: will the Canadian gov't's CWB step in, sell world high durum as Canadian "food aid" for basement CWB prices? Pars


            <p><strong>[URL="http://www.spiegel.de/international/world/0,1518,741278,00.html"](An interesting glimpse of Tunisia)[/URL]</strong></p>


              We simply cannot imagine what this means to the people of Tunisia.


                Been to Turnisia.

                Very European for a North African country. French colony in past (second language. Lots of European tourists every summer. 2 hours by plane from Frankfurt. Not a long big boat ride from Italy.

                Very secular. Shia and Sunni. Christians. Jewish areas. Live in peace most of the time. Can find bad things that have happened but rare/fringe element.

                People have been frustrated with a currupt government for years. A friend who worked for a University but wasn't paid for months. Jobs/advancement by who you knew - not merit.

                Food inflation was likely the straw that broke the camels back so to speak. Food inflation really hits people in parts of the world where food makes up 25 to 50 % of income. Not malnutrition as such but rather people struggling to maintain their lifestyle and feed their families. Supporting a corrupt government not in the cards when there is a general level of disatisfaction.

                Beautiful place to visit. Would recomment as a vacation spot. Some knowledge of French is a plus - I struggled to communicate.


                  Be nice if I could spell where I have been. Tunisia.


                    <p><strong>[URL="http://www.ctv.ca/CTVNews/TopStories/20110127/yemen-anti-president-saleh-protests-110127/"](Note US Aid to Yemen)[/URL]</strong></p>


                      Heard on the radio this morning the
                      wikileaks thing was a lot behind this
                      rioting, as well as food costs.


                        WOW trouble in the Middle East, what next, more snow on the prairies, damn the CWB to heck and back! Maybe some sort of civil war will break out and factions from different parts of the country/city will start killing one another. Very unusual situation, that the CWB has caused in the Middle East..........


                          <p><strong>[URL="http://www.worldatlas.com/webimage/countrys/me.htm"](Put your finger on Egypt)[/URL]</strong></p>

                          As yourself: How will the riots affect CWB wheat sales to Libya? To Sria? How will it effect lentil sales to Turkey?

                          And in the broader sense, when the Muslum Brotherhood work with the Soros left to depose the much too-greedy US's head of Egypt, (the US has poured money into Egypt like you drink water)how will a new Isalamic government view Israel? Put your finger on Israel. Of the US armed forces are kicked out of Egypt, do you suppose Isreael will get nervous? And will they hesitate to protect themselves considering where they are situated and considering that all Arab states are culturally and religiously bound together?

                          Yes well. It's a wee bit more than a backyard scrap. Pars

                          furrow: China has displaced the American dollar in some world trade, and is already dealing in riminbi in eight countries in the world, including Russia. Do you suppose the Muslum countries will quickly change their world currency?

                          Presently, a country such as Taiwan changes its' currency to American dollars when they trade.
                          There is power and money derived from having the world-wide accepted currency.

                          It can change in a flash. pars


                            Head of Egyptian military just left USA for Egypt.

                            Israel just pledged to support the Egyptian military.

                            Not good. Pars


                              Regime change just happened whole new ball


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