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World Rioting

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    Lol,im just arguing for the sake of arguing.

    There is so many things we don't know,its almost
    crazy to speculate. But why the hell not.

    What stands out in my mind is that the tipping
    point will come when the foot soldiers moral to
    shoot and whip fellow country men is
    gone.Remeber,these guys go home every night.

    Must make for awkward dinner conversations with
    one brother working for the police and one brother
    and father at the demonstrations.

    On al jezzars website this morning there are reports
    of the police switching sides.


      It's a situation a little similar to Whistling Dixie poisoning his brother..a Colonel in the north who stopped by at home for a plate of grits.

      For the really big guys,aka leaders, it's all about philosophy.Quite often religious philosophy. It's what drives passion and followers and action.

      Solipsists are self-immunized to the furor around them until one fine Friday morning, they notice their money has changed, the local church has been burned and their court has been replaced and their own children no longer speak their own language. Pars


        <p><strong>[URL="http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/europe/russia/8290410/Moscow-airport-bombing-why-a-terrorist-mastermind-is-sending-chills-down-spines.html"](Looking for a purpose in life?)[/URL]</strong></p>


          W tried to build an empire, in the mid
          East, failed. Butt democracy is
          breaking out, all over as W intended.
          Its dirty, messy, and a cumbersome way
          of running nations. Butt in future may
          pay dividends, ifn some other dictator
          doesn't seize control and crush the
          masses. Lookit Chinie fer example,
          Commies, and they are on the verge of
          controlling the world, causin they own
          mosta the world now! A we owe, we owe,
          we owe, sooos off ta work we Comedians


            <p><strong>[URL="http://www.ctv.ca/CTVNews/TopStories/20110131/ottawa-evacuate-cairo-110131/"](You want baksheesh to become the canadian accepted way of doing business?)[/URL]</strong></p>


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