Yesterday PRO put Pool B feed barley at $235/tonne (port). The most recent GDC/EPV gives farmers an up front payment of $220/tonne (Port). Current international feed barley prices around $275/tonne FOB west coast ($260/tonne in store. Aussie has feed barley for sale but about the only major supplier. Saudi Arabia remains mostly uncovered into the spring. Feed lots in Alberta also do not have a lot of their spring feed needs covered. Western Canada feed barley still at a significant discount to US corn.
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<a href="">Jan PRO</a>
<a href="">Fd wheat EPO</a>
I just got a price from Shadylane Hutteritte colony in Treherne Manitoba, they are willing to pay me 5.50 per bushel feed wheat up to average 16 moisture, can be CWSWS wheat picked up in my yard. Scaled local. God knows what the freight on that is, I am 2 hours north of Regina, we never ship feed wheat in that direction. Locals were paying 5 bucks with an increase this week coming. I would expect weekly increases now.
God dam Shady Lane Colony. Make sure you git CASH BEFORE THE TRUCK LEAVES DA YARD!!! The freight on it??? Haha Easy, Hutts work fer Nuttin. Dey buddy Colony haulin Barley west wit Super B's. Dey will git dem to haul it back I'd imagine....
Barley prices laggin behind Corn??? Cause Barley tied to da Feed Wheat Prices.....
Anyone ever deal with Shadylane???
The guys I talked to was given phone numbers.
12047230048 Name Dale, never ****ing ansers phone.
12045265448 Victor Just not sure about these guys. From talking on the phone they are willing to pay when truck leaves, just I am not sure about these guys. This is not right for feed grain from here to go there, just don't happen
Hopper, No need to deal with them if you don't want you can get just as good of numbers by calling, Constantini, Maple Leaf, Delmar Commodities just to name a few. All licensed and bonded and likely show you simular values to the Colony. I know $5 and better picked up has traded in our are Weyburn.
Not knowing exactly where you are your frieght may be a big factor. All I know is right now Vomi free Wheat and Barley is seeing good values into Manitoba.
Keep an eye on your CWB feed price in your area. Depending on Delivery location deductions you should be over $5 for feed wheat.
I have never dealt with Shadylane so I cannot say anything bad about them. Point is $5.50 to Shadylane really nothing to write home about.
Maybe they will withdraw from the deal once they realise what a foul mouthed fool they are dealing with? C'mon who do you think you are posting personal phone numbers and insulting comments beside them on a public forum? The Hutterites have internet access to you know or is it OK because they are "just Hutterites".
grassfarmer, nopper never said a bad word about them. Just said that one would never answer the fu@#in phone. Just stating a fact thats all.
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