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Suzuki The Nature of Things

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    Suzuki The Nature of Things

    Anyone see the program last week,
    relative to Fort McMoney, Albertie? A
    damning indictment to say the least.
    However the program was presented in a
    fair and balance way! Eddie Stelmar,
    sure took a beating. Now wonder he
    resigned. Now others are fleeing too!
    Finance Minister has resigned, others
    scurrying to find hiding spots. Eye
    wonder what the next Albertie budget is
    about? Must be kinda BADDDDDDDDD....

    Our MLA Snelgrove gets to present the budget. Another 5 billion dollar deficit no doubt. With the millions of barrels of artificial crude flowing from this province every day we are in DEBT? If we doubled our export of oil would we be in debt 10 billion dollars? That seems to be the way this government operates. No wonder our Premier turns in his resignation...HE CAN'T WIN NO MATTER WHAT HE DOES. Its too late, the damage has been done, GAME OVER.


      I will be the first to volunteer to fly Suzuki to Baffin Isand and drop him off with his coal oil lamp and his solar powered abacus.

      Oil development must expand, and quickly. We have plenty oil to provide us with a self-sufficient way of fueling our tractors, of providing us with energy to sustain our standard of living. And we have the expertise and self-discipline to develop industry. Pars


        They should send suzuki down to where they are cutting down the rain forests and let him bitch and complain to the likes of chavez.

        Problem solved - no more suzuki.

        They oilsand companies are developing technology that helps all industries especially in land reclamation that can be applied to the coal fields and potash mines. To dig something up and then reclaim it back doesn't happen overnight but by shortening that timeframe is progress.

        Just saying. There more that could be done but progress is being made.


          Parsely, WE don't own anything. The government gave it all away for pennies called royalties.


            Might have to pry Suzuki out of one of his luxurious homes that he owns around the world. But I'm sure he buys offset credits to pay for his sins.


              wilagro you've got it right! should be about 20% tax on every barrel sold going to the province. Likely now about 2%


                Fossil fuels make Canada possible.

                This may change when new technology comes up, but until then...


                  The Albertie government is monitering the
                  situation and will be broke before they
                  know it. The mighty Athabasca River is
                  being moniturd at the same time and will
                  also run dry soon. Is there a pattern
                  forming here, er what?


                    Best thing for the environment and Suzuki would be to compost him.


                      I've said it before and I'll say it again,
                      fer the benefit of all those who've fallen
                      off the turnip wagon. "DR SUZUKI HAS MORE
                      Having said that, we know who is telling
                      the truth about the Tar Sands in Fort
                      McMoney. It is not either level of
                      government, fer you turnip tumblers!


                        Did Suzuki not have his lips firmly planted on Al Gores but about the whole glodal warming b/s??


                          Fair and balanced, in the same sentence as David Suzuki? Say it isn't so.

                          David Suzuki has more in common with Michael Moore then he does science. I lived in Calgary in 1993. I remember this clearly because at that same time he was promoting a plan to cut beef production and increase grain production (to feed the world, said beef production was not as efficient). Someone had to point out to him, after he released his big plan, that this was marginally soils and that it would actually reduce food production if you tried to do this. You can not trust what this guy puts out as he is selling a product to the granola crowd.


                            Dave you are so right, Suzuki may be a smart dude, but is clueless when it comes to food production. He is a ethanol hater as well, saying that 1/3 of the corn production is "lost" to ethanol. Well that is just a flat out F$ckin lie - where does all the mash or DDG's go??? OH ya livestock feed!! Food prices have very little to do with ethonal, it is preseption only to those who do not know the facts. Ask Suzuki if we should go back to 'MTBE'? as a fuel additive?


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