I have not heard the CWB adds on the radio yet. I do watch "Farmnews" on local TV and try to catch Mondays special crop prices for oats, canaryseed, mustard, peas etc. I think there can be a place for the US wheat price. This is simply price discovery. I know that AVers can find out US prices on internet, but so many farmers do not even know how to turn on a computer, and they dont want to. They do listen to the radio. Why not disclose the US wheat price on the same radio station as the CWB commercials? The farmers then have to remove cost of truck freight and clearing customs fees to decide if its worthwhile selling into the US. Here is an example from the Larry Weber Newsletter Daily Spot Price Comparisons
Spr Wht
I wonder if a US elevator would be willing to post a weekly price for more Western Canada wheat farmers to be aware of. Maybe they would change their tune..refuse to make price offers because their elevator is full all the time....maybe not. It would be interesting to know if they would really make offers, or are they just jerking around the few guys that are trying hard to sell into the US because they (US buyers) know we cant deliver without bureaucracy, high costs of buy back, and possible jail time.
Spr Wht
I wonder if a US elevator would be willing to post a weekly price for more Western Canada wheat farmers to be aware of. Maybe they would change their tune..refuse to make price offers because their elevator is full all the time....maybe not. It would be interesting to know if they would really make offers, or are they just jerking around the few guys that are trying hard to sell into the US because they (US buyers) know we cant deliver without bureaucracy, high costs of buy back, and possible jail time.