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Wheat Growers and CWB Ships

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    Very obvious what these ships are for. To move grain from the Misson Treminal where Measner and Ward are sitting there giggling all the way to the bank.
    The check off to pay for this b/s should come from grain soley pushed through that terminal, for they are the only ones who will beinifit. Why should all cwb grain sold have to flip this bill? What percentage of wht,bly is shipped east/west?


      <p><strong>[URL="http://www.nationalpost.com/news/world/Canadian connection bank accused having ties Hezbollah/4261547/story.html"](Buying cargo ships? Come see us. Low Interest Rates)[/URL]</strong></p>


        parsley what are you's tryin too prove wit linking false links all da time??? Gettin reel tired of you's wastin my time clickin. Time is MONEY.....


          <p><strong>[URL="http://www.smalldeadanimals.com/archives/013815.html"](An additional random link)[/URL]</strong></p>
          <p><strong><a href="http://www.canadafreepress.com/2005/cover121605.htm">(And yet another that has absolutley nothing to do with anything)</a></strong></p>
          I must suffer from topic detatchment. Pars


            "time is money"
            dandy phrase
            Maybe the CWB could ship oil on the backhauls.<p></p>
            <p><strong>[URL="http://ajacksonian.blogspot.com/2008/07/taste-of-oil-for-food-and-its-chefs.html"]( There are a lot of Libs listed in this link the CWB has dealt with they can call on)[/URL]</strong></p>


              This ends the boards argument that they don't have any infastrucure and couldn't possibly compete in an open market place without a monoply clause. Let us out and let them compete for my business. They could buy terminals and lease cars from the railroad. What is next or is this just some hair brained scheme that they dreamed up one slow day at the CWB.


                I'm not saying that I am in favor of this purchase and definitly not in the way it was done, but:

                We have seen the rising charges of handling by line companies over the last number of years. This was due, in part, to cover costs of tearing down the local elevators that were built with farmers money and replaced with high throughput elevators, forcing us to haul longer distance and invest in bigger trucks or pay truckers, costing producers and tax payers even more. Less rail lines, 100 car spots now ships, the list goes on and on.

                If/when we get into an open market system and 'line companies' were to decide to buy lakers and charge an extra $1 per tonne to cover costs. Will we sit back and allow this to happen? Where does it stop?

                All these (impovements) that we are told will save us money and be more cost effective are crippling producers. We as producers are told by experts we must tighten our belts and become more efficient all the while corp's dig deeper into our pockets to move forward and be more efficient for thier benifit.

                A little trucking incentive helps cover the costs of 100 car spots, that saves the rail line money. A little grade incentive (if we get it) helps cover the costs of high throughputs. All the time the base charges, of rail, grain co's and CWB, raise. When do producers get a little incentive to help cover OUR costs?

                Please (powers to be): 'Stop saving farmers money' You are breaking us!

                It is time to start seeing some of these savings, by "reducing" the charges on our grain checks not increasing them. Not only on board grains.



                  Squawking about nothing AGAIN, like old
                  spinsters sitting around having tea. You
                  would think that free wheeling privateers
                  would embrace purchasing ships to carry on
                  the grain trade. Oh well whinning and
                  sniveling never, ever, ever gets old, out
                  on the farm!!!!!


                    Burbert: I agree that sniveling isn't profitable Their are better ways to be the squeaky wheel.
                    However, if all you seed is board grains, I ask you to consider the existence of a larger world.


                      "old spinsters"

                      Dearie, writing about the CWB is simply an exercise to fill my long days.
                      burburt, you rascal, you've outed me. We must have met? You were the one with the suspenders and felt boots, weren't you, now. pars


                        Snivelling IS profitable. It comforts the soul. Put a price on that. :~()


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