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Pulse Canada Releases Studies on Customer Expectations Around Sustainability

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    Pulse Canada Releases Studies on Customer Expectations Around Sustainability

    [URL="http://www.pulsecanada.com/measurewhatmatters"]Measuring What Matters[/URL]

    Multicorps throughout many countries paired up with too many governments.
    They advanced the idea of climate change, which was derived from data collections promoted and foisted on the world by lying scheming scientists.

    The idea is to do away with oil, and replace it with alternatives, consisting of preplanned and preplanned patented ways to deliever energy.A select group of people will rake in cash
    <p><strong>[URL="http://www.chromatininc.com/products-applications.php"](one such example of alternate energy, but there are thousands)[/URL]</strong></p>
    You might well be reminded of GE these days and the regulatory privileges they are lapping up. It's criminal, imho as a farmer.


      Here are s a few thoughts from some wild and adventurous navel gazings,(not grazing,lol)to think about:

      Now, couple the idea of supplying "new" (sorghum, etc) energy to populations, with supplying food to populations.

      $$$$, right?

      Crops will be grown for industrial use and food use.<p></p><p><strong>[URL="http://www.chromatininc.com/minichromosome-platform.php"](Gene stacking will pervade every agricultural crop grown. And seed ownership will be narrowed to a three or four companies in the world. )[/URL]</strong></p>

      Acceptance becomes a problem, though doesn't it? Resentment.

      But if the word "sustainability" is imprinted in the minds of the public, hey, it's clear sailing. Modifying crops for drought will become a 'solution'.

      And as a new FOOTPRINT TAX BECOMES UNAVOIDABLE and is introduces by governments....as you well know it will be, (so that the poor in Bangkok and Sri Lanka, and Turbat are recipients of a little of the profits.."just dues&quot, the farmer will be taxed, won't he. Tax-free if you're tied to "sustainable" STACKED PATENTED SEEDS, but TAXABLE AT THE FARM LEVEL if they are "carbon-polluting" seeds.

      How's that for far-fetched navel gazing? LOL Pars


        Encourage you to read the studies. They are not about genetic engineering. Will pick out two quotes that hopefully will encourage people to read.

        Quote from the summary

        Begin "The 2010 interviews suggest that current sustainability messaging from the food industry will give way to a new
        body of evidence-based sustainability measurements. There is a strong degree of commercial momentum behind
        these efforts and they are being driven almost entirely by the market, with little government involvement. While
        there are technical measurement difficulties and data constraints to overcome, food industry leaders believe that
        enough is known to begin the process of building and implementing measurement systems. End

        Begin "There has been considerable dialogue on shifting focus from practice-based to outcome-based measurements –
        moving evaluations away from how something was grown, and moving towards measurement of actual impacts
        on the environment." End


          If a customer were to ask was your crop grown sustainably, how would you answer them? What happens if the question is changed from farming practices to results - carbon capture, greenhouse gas produced/used per acre, water use, biodiversity, yes even presense of biotech genetics, etc.


            Will highlight the elements of sustainability identified.

            Quote begin "There are four elements of sustainability emerging as highest priority for measurement, both from the production
            and processing chain, and by end users. These are:
            (a) greenhouse gas emissions
            (b) impacts on water
            (c) impacts on biodiversity, and
            (d) factors that are driving at the core issue of soil health. quote end.


              Accountant: Let's look at your farming tax rate. "How is this crop grown sustainably?"

              Farmer One: "Okay, First crop here. 1. Drought resistant gene in this one, so no irrigation. 2. Iron enriched gene for flour for Third World. 3.Straw has that fibre gene for that ulta-violet clothing 4. Fuel gene so it burns hot for electricity."

              Accountant: "Hey,4/4!So zero Sustainabile Tax."

              Be a wee bit fun, charliep. I "Encourage you to read the studies", charliep. LOL Pars


                so if you customer base asked you if your organic crop is grown sustainably, you couldn't answer them. Or your answer would be trust me.

                If your customer base pushes you and demands sustainability measurements as an element of market access/ability to sell, what will you do? Through your discussion on Agriville over time, you have said the customer is always right.


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