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What needs to be done to get Bill C619 passed?

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    What needs to be done to get Bill C619 passed?

    How many votes are needed etc. I don't watch
    Ottawa politics much. Please explain the process.
    Thanks, I enjoy watching everyone here.

    Comedian Wheat Farmers of Comedia NEED to Hire da Best Chiselin' & Cheatin', Lawyers & Lobbyists Moneys kin Buy!!!!!!!!


      In Canada a bill is a proposed law or piece of legislation put before a Canadian legislature for approval.

      A bill can be initiated by the government or by a private member.

      Bills can be introduced in Parliament in either the House of Commons or the Senate except for "money" bills, those bills relating to spending or taxation.

      A bill must be passed at all stages - first reading, second reading, committee stage and third reading - in both the House of Commons and the Senate before it can receive Royal Assent and become an act of parliament.

      In Canada, Royal Assent is the symbolic final stage of the legislative process by which a bill becomes law.

      In the Royal Assent ceremony, a representative of the sovereign, either the Governor General of Canada or a Supreme Court justice, enters the Senate chamber, where the senators are in their seats. The Usher of the Black Rod summons members of the House of Commons to the Senate chamber, and members of both houses of parliament witness that Canadians wish the bill to become law.

      A bill comes into effect on the day of Royal Assent unless another date is specified in the legislation. The bill itself is sent to Government House to be signed.

      Once signed, the original bill is returned to the Senate where it is put in the archives


        Work with groups like the Grain Growers of Canada to communicate with opposition parties that opposing CWB evolution is not a hill to die on.



          Strange how your description fits the CWB's procedure very well!

          The CWB takes our money, pays hired sharks to fight against my families/communities interests...

          To achieve an outcome that serves only to pad the pockets of the lobbyists, eastern Canadian interests, and the sharks.


            Would a bill to get those who want out have been more politically correct, and easier to pass, by saying that all farmers are to be given no cost export licenses - just like the rest of Canada?


              Thanks Parsley,
              For the bill to pass you need a simple majority?
              How many votes are required, how many votes
              do the Conservatives have? Why do the other
              parties support the CWB?


                Conservative 143
                Liberal 77
                B.Q. 47
                N.D.P. 36
                Independent 2
                Vacant 3
                Total 308

                You need a majority.

                silver, you don't need a bill.

                The CWB Directors can move the following on a conference call tonight:
                "I move we issue export and interprovincial licenses to all farmer applicants" Seconded and voted for and enought top pass..... and it's done.

                Or The Minister of the CWB can issue an order to the Directors:

                "I, Minister Ritz, order the CWB to issue export and interprovincial licenses to all farmer applicants".....Done Pars


                  This bill is a joke. Its purpose is so the Conservatives can say they are trying to do something with the CWB. The bill will die if the government falls at the March budget, which is widely expected to happen.
                  Riding association meetings are happening all over the place show up and let them know your thoughts. I hate to be pessimistic but its seems like smoke and mirrors. Where was this bill right after the last election?


                    An independent running in each contituency would bring some swift action.

                    Especially if they work as a an ag coalition team . Chamomile party? Maple Leaf Party? Property Party? Dandelion Party?


                      swift action?

                      Yeah, a Liberal majority. See reform party and the 1990s.


                        I agree FarmRanger we don't need more candidates it would just split the vote. I think it would be more effective to put our current MP's on notice that this will be their last chance to keep a promiss made 5 years ago.


                          Mbrat, Says 1% or less of the votes...


                            farm ranger,
                            I didn't say elected. I said "running"

                            BIG difference. LOL I think thre'd be a lot of pre-election-day negotiating set into motion.

                            A good farmer candidate running against a COn in a sure-Con constituency would bring, er, more than double speak. They'd be more prone to talk Eskimo. LOL

                            Have you ever been involved with those sorts of negotiations? LOL Pars


                              wd9, No thats not what I said. Without a conservative majority I don't think we can get enough votes right now. I hate to say this but I think we need a conservative majority with few seats in Quebec to get a bill like this passed. The Conservatives have had several chances to pass a bill like this. Everytime the Liberals have been weak and a leadership crisis they would not have voted this bill down if it was made a confidence vote. I just find it all to convenient that this comes up just prior to what looks like is going to be an election. They are trying to play both sides, make Quebec think that there supply management system is safe and make farmers in the west think they are working hard to give them marketing choice. All Politics.


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