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Gutting the CWB

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    Tom: Back in the 90's when farmers took matters in their own hands, moving grain across the border. The CWB took us to task calling farmers criminals.
    Well now don't we own the moral high ground? The CWB is using an outdated mandate from the 40's to steal our money. You think we should have been consulted. There is no transparancy.



      If the return drops to a more reasonable 10%... and the average movement over the past decade is 3.4mt... these ships will be worn out before grain growers see one cent.

      Alberta grain growers simply will see the basis increase... and feed grain prices drop... because the CWB wants their names on some ships.

      This is a really stupid idea... any way you look at it... and most grain growers can smell the stench from Thunder Bay all the way to their grain farm in Alberta!

      Oberg had better think long and hard... THis is simply just criminal... stealing our money to buy boats we will never use here in Alberta!

      Why does he think he can get away with this?



        Because he is an ignorant, arrogant, socialist asshole.



          I would suggest it is rather... the folks in CWB management have talked Allen into a bad decision.

          And Allen will take the punishment... NOT THEM! Allen should have known better... just like at AWP and Agricore United... when he allowed the $$$millions of losses to sink those ships!


            Nope, you are wrong Tom. The lord gave the man a brain. He is an asshole or his head is up his ass about these ships.

            Instead of giving the ok to management he should of gave them their walking papers.

            He just went through an election and probably never asked if the people voting for him would ok this deal. That's what makes this wrong.


              You guys are just 'sour g****s' because the CWB is still functioning and DOING THINGS that you DON'T LIKE. You were expecting it to be gone by now and Holy **** its still there and making business decisions when it was supposed to be kaput.

              Careful Tom or you will blow a gasket or a carotid artery.



                "its still there and making business decisions"...

                You speak detached Eskimo... Wilagro...

                Does it matter whether the CWB decisions were ethical... that theft of probably over $50m more than the cost of the vessels... will be transferred to the domestic livestock industry... because of the wider CWB basis in Alberta and western Sask.!

                If the CWB goofed... like Obergs AWP and AU did... and return 7% Return instead of 15%... these ships will never even pay for themselves!

                I would need to see a 30% Return on Capital... EACH YEAR... before investing in an industrial venture... and be a part of the actual benefit for our farm!

                Not buying boats for Manitoba!


                  Thirty percent return on capital...you have to be kidding. Maybe in the Trudeau era where there was rampant inflation. Lucky to get 6% nowadays.


                    So wilagro, wouldn't oberg's 15 percent be out to lunch as well?


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