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Gutting the CWB

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    Gutting the CWB


    You said;"apparently this site is lopsided,
    if it was not there would be all anti board directors and the board would
    be gutted from within"

    Pro 'single desk' CWB Directors are destroying the CWB... NOW.

    For Allen Oberg, Stewart Wells, and Bill Woods to vote in favour of extinguishing their own district's growers property rights is totally inappropriate and a violation of the CWB Code of Ethics.

    Buying 2 ships by stealing our money... and not charging the costs to the grain growers who will use these ships... is simply bad business and wrong. Who, with any moral conscience, would do this to the grain growers they are supposed to represent?


    Deducting $40/t off my PPO... to pad the CWB pool accounts... and ending my cash pricing requirements on January 31 is another example of the CWB death wish to destroy themselves.

    Admit it Sawfly; these CWB Directors are way over the line... and are destroying and gutting the CWB!

    The CWB can dismiss the Canadian Federation of Independent Business findings in their CWB performance survey...


    If your directors make commercial grain growers and the community that supports them angry for long enough... the outcome will be very predictable.


    About those ships. Doesn't it make you wonder that when ritz re appointed White and Carefoot not a peep was said in passing conversation the cwb was up to no good. Ritz should have put the hammer down on that decision before those ship salesman left the building.

    If I was ritz, White and Carefoot appointments would be rescinded.


      RITZ is a goof ball. Butt is probably
      considered by many to be the greatest
      Comedian Gag Min of all time. You have to
      be a goof to head up Gag in Comedia, its
      the qualification required to get the job.
      Tink about it, am I right or am I right?


        How could Ritz not know about the ship purchase with the appointed government board members?



          Count your fingers...

          8 single minded maniacs... and 7 left over...

          If Oberg, Wells, and Woods want to pillage Alberta... and Flaman and Korny could care less!!!

          What a pathetic embarrassing mess... 3 organic directors running the CWB...



            Please tell me what Minister Ritz could say... besides NO! And NO!...

            How would that stop Chairman Oberg...

            I believe Oberg already said as much...

            "Minister Ritz is 'uniformed'!"


            "Winnipeg - February 11/11, Feb 11, 2011 (Commodity News Service Canada, Inc. via COMTEX) -- Canada's Agriculture Minister, Gerry Ritz, lambasted the Canadian Wheat Board (CWB) for buying ships, according to an article in Friday's Winnipeg Free Press newspaper.

            In response to a planted question from a backbench Conservative MP during question period, Ritz called the CWB's C$65-million purchase of two ships to carry grain across the Great Lakes an irresponsible scheme that puts farmers' money at risk, the article said.

            "I have constantly told the wheat board that farmers' money in the pool account is off limits to them," Ritz said. "It should not be misappropriated like this."

            Ritz in the article said farmers weren't consulted and accused the CWB of treating farmers' money as a "slush fund."

            CWB Board chairman Allen Oberg in the article dismissed Ritz's comments as uninformed. "Minister Ritz can say what he wants, but from a business case, this is a solid decision."

            The CWB announced Tuesday it will spend C$65 million over the next four crop years to buy two ships to move grain across the Great Lakes. The CWB said the purchase means western Canadian wheat farmers will share in the profits of shipping grain on the lakes.

            The grain is destined for eastern Canadian ports and ultimately exported to Europe, Africa and Latin America. Western Canadian grain shipments through eastern Canadian ports have increased more than 35% in the last decade to 3.8 million metric tons of CWB grain in 2009. That figure is expected to keep rising in coming years as demand grows for Canadian wheat and barley.

            Oberg said it will take less than eight years for the wheat board to make back the money spent to buy the ships, which is a decent payback period on ships that have a minimum lifespan of 25 years. (Winnipeg Free Press)"



              The issue is whether the appointed directors keep ritz in the loop.

              Obviously not, and that would indicate that the appointed directors are not even looking after the government's interests which is partly why they were appointed in the first place.

              If Ritz knew nothing of this, there are bigger issues to the cwb file than farmers know.

              That 65 million should have been paid back to farmers as repayment on that 250 million discretionary trading loss from a few years back.




                  If Ritz was told after the fact, the appointed directors saw nothing wrong with the purchase. Interesting!!!


                    So agstar, you don't mind the cwb taking 65 million which will balloon to 100 million without consulting farmers?

                    But then maybe you didn't mind the 250 million the cwb lost on discretionary trading, that we were never told how it happened?


                      Also if the appointed directors saw nothing wrong with it, then they should have been able to convince Ritz that the boats were a good investment.

                      The problem is farmers are phoning the mp's and telling them it was an asshole deal.


                        "If Ritz was told after the fact, the appointed directors saw nothing wrong with the purchase. Interesting!!!"

                        Agstar, what goes on during a board meeting happens behind closed doors for a reason. Individuals are not appointed to keep someone on the outside informed. I guess it just goes to show you that these appointed directors are ethical and not there just to be detrimental to the operation of the CWB. Even more interesting!!!


                          I could see if we had taken the $67 mil we were over charged by the railways and paid cash for the ships then gave portion of the profits to research. But $67 mil for research now another $65 mil for ships?

                          Where is all money we are saving from Gov't and CWB rail cars?

                          What would we be paying if the rail lines had to buy thier own cars? It might be cheaper for us to truck grain to the coast, with a back haul.


                            Tom already spent a Million!!!! Coodn't git da VOTE!!! Broke as a Joke Now!!!!!!


                              If'n little tommie runs again fer a
                              directorship, and spends another million.
                              If he gives me the million, then I'd
                              consider votin fer the guy myself, even
                              though I don't live in his area. Yup fer
                              a mill, me and tommie4, could be friends
                              and pull together ta change things, once
                              and fer alll!!!!


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