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Why CWB elections will never work...

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    Why CWB elections will never work...

    Dear Charlie,

    Went to one of Merle Good's seminars yesterday.

    Thanks to BRRG and AB Ag for the great info! Tax advice that could save $millions for those who took the time to attend.

    Here is the reason for the CWB Election debacle:

    Gross Farm Income Canada;

    Income less than 50,000 - 52% of farms - 5% of income,
    50,000 - 99,999 - 14% of farms - 5% of income,
    100,000 - 249,999 - 17% of farms - 15% of income,
    250,000 - 499,999 - 10% of farms - 19% of income,
    500,000 - 999,999 - 4% of farms - 16% of income,
    1,000,000 and over - 3% of farms - 40% of income.

    $250,000 and more = 17% of farms - 75% of farm income.

    Source 2006 Statistics Canada - Census of Agriculture.

    One would expect in 2011… this will be even more concentrated to fewer farms for more income.

    How can those who sell 40t of wheat... over 2-3 years... make a decision for a grower that sells 5,000t a year?

    On the ships alone over 4 years:

    $20,000 for one grower; $80 for the other grower!

    This is TalkingEskimo I know... but for any sane person to understand how we actually got to this point of insanity...

    THIS does explain the problem and issue!

    Some one with $80 in the pot... has the same say as another farm with $20,000 in that same pot!

    Both own exactly the same amount of the Ships... and likely the grower delivering 12,000t to the CWB over 4 years is despised and hated by the CWB!

    Tom I would also like to see the percentages with relation to age in the same categories. It blows me away how many retirees living in Arizona (my good ole dad included)are making decisions for the next generation.


      Tom, you're absolutely right. One dollar per tonne to pay for ships. Only one vote per farm no matter how many tonnes are sold. Oberg is turning western ag into one giant co-op experiment.


        Tomthumg, Are you thinking of a
        revolution, like in Egypt? A huge mass
        of Comedian farmers, gettin together to
        protest the CWB? I agree that democracy
        and freedom, do suck at times and
        elections are flawed. Butt the law of
        the jungle is even worse. Or are you
        thinkin about becoming the head
        dictator, to run the grain markets cause
        you're soooooooo smart. Be careful what
        you wish fer tommie boy, cousin you
        might get it.



          Did you look in the mirror?


          I pleases you to take your neighbours earnings.... without permission...

          And I am the thug?

          Do you know what you are doing...?


            My IT stuck...

            IT pleases you to take your neighbours earnings.... without permission...


              The voters list needs to be updated. On every page of the voters list there were ballots issued to "the estate of this person"......to "the estate of that person". What credible election allows dead people to vote?


                This is why the vote structure needs to be changed. Any village idiot (not including Burbert knows that the day the vote is weighted according to acres/tonnes sold, its game over CWB. We need to do this more so than anything in my opinion. Change the vote structure and we win. Its really that simple and could be done relatively easy. I still love how a neighbor of mine cancelled my vote with his vote for Stewie Wells. He's 80 retired and renting out his 1/4.


                  My dad died in January 2010 and hadn't had a permit for years and a vote showed up for the estate. The guy is dead and gets a vote. Now that is a ****ed up system.


                    A couple of elections back my neighbors dad received a vote. He had been dead since the mid 1960's. True story.. But there is no need to change the structure or go throught the voters list is there?? What I would like to know is if any of these ballots were ever cast by surviving family members and then counted. If so there would be some major legal implications. Im pretty sure it is illegal to impersonate or forge for the deceased ..


                      My question is, " who actually audits the ballots that are sent out and who is entitled to a ballot?"


                        The Election Coordinator and the CWB.


                          The CWB decides who to send a ballot to. The Election Coordinator decides who is sent an manual mailed ballot.


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