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Aristotle Oberg

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    I'm with Francisco. What's your idea? Let's hear it.


      Because farmers who desire freedom to market their own grain desire to not sit in a jail cell away from their families.

      They also have no faith that the current government in Ottawa would do anything different for them than the last one did who put people in those jail cells.

      The conservatives won't stand up against the RCMP who lay charges against a farmer protecting his family and property, why would they stand up for a simple farmer who doesn't believe in the wheat board?


        A pole to decide how to spend my money?

        I am both offended and angry why permission is not sought... before the asset is spent.

        Aristotle Oberg has no right to extinguish my families property rights!


          Why do I NOT get it???

          We the farmers of Ontario organized and rallied, demanded change with just cause and plausible evidence. It was reviewed and changed...We now have dual marketing system where we are NOT bound by the board and their decisions. We can sell to whom-ever/whenever we want whether domestic or export, yes export. The millers now must anti-up to real market values and bid for the grain, instead of sucking the pools dry at their leisure, while the farmers received the lowest prices for wheat at times in North America... Their are still many farmers whom still rely on POOL system as they may not have the knowledge, volumes or marketing experience to justify trying their own marketing. Now that we have accountability of sorts because of dual marketing system, the board has performed much better and can at times out-bid competitors for the product...or pools outperforming cash contracts... The board has become a true trading/merchandising house with one thing in mind....PROFITABILITY. This change of STAFF, MENTALITY and VISION at the Ontario Wheat Board has strengthened and expanded the Ontario wheat industry exponentially.

          TOM4CWB I do get it, I'm not ignorant of your situation. I'm not advocating NFU or any other type of radical change within the farming social network. I'm wondering what the title of the blog asks. I believe if their is really such an injustice, "WHICH I DO" that enough farmers will get fed up "WHICH THEY WILL" that they will drag their MP's and communities on buses/planes/trains and make their way to Ottawa and demand change. Thats what we did.....Not to mention had great, outspoken farmer/directors board with a vision for the future and younger generations.
          I understand your issues with logistics are far more dynamic and the strangle hold CN has over grain company's and farmers must be eronious. But "I'M" of the opinion....Let the market figure it-self out. Other grain company's would be tickled to work outside the board, and have the ability to arbitrage their freight and grain better....Theirs too much $$$ on the table. YOU know that better than anybody!



            It is not the place of any MP or even the PM... to tell judges or law enforcement what to do. ONLY the law can do this. It is our responsibility to change the law... and the minority parliament is the problem... not the Conservative Party of Canada... when the CWB is concerned!



              How do we stop the Bloc from taking our property rights away... when they have NO responsibility or ethical motivation but to try and make us western grain growers angry...

              Shucks... we are a world away... and they could care less about anything we need... as long as they can black mail us into making the transfer payments to feather their nests in Quebec!.

              We need our grain growing brothers in Ontario to give us a hand... against this evil stupidity!!!


                Dave, reality is that, for all the complaining about
                the CWB, most prairie grain farmers don't have the
                backbone to actually do anything constructive
                about it (with a few lonely exceptions). Point out
                that Ontario farmers actually stood up and told the
                wheat board here to shove it and GOT THINGS
                DONE and they nod, and go back to whining for
                somebody ELSE to do the work to free them from
                the CWB.

                Truth is, the whole myth about the independent
                westerner is just that, a myth.


                  TOM4CWB I live and farm 15 mins from the QUEBEC border. Trust me, the discontent you feel I see everyday. The legalization of corruption is unbelievable. Get this, the Quebec farmers voted in-favor-of and developed their own "Quebec Wheat Board" because of politically meandering of their own UNION to better meet the needs of the wheat farmers enrolled in ASRA. I could tell you stories all day of the corruption right at the farm gate, because of Quebecs farm support policy and and the UNIONS sucking of the top. Is a story right from John Grisham.


                    Tom I completely disagree on the cwb front. They have ignored this issue as much as humanly possible. I don't care anymore if it is a minority situation. At some point you have to stand up for what is right and say it. Or they have to find a way to give us the freedom we deserve.

                    Tell me why Mr. Ritz cannot order the board to give out cost free export permits?

                    I have never heard one real reason that cannot be done.



                      Thanks.. I think... but being shot at by Feds with all the guns... is no fun... we spent millions in court... to have eastern Canadian Judges and Goodale sell out to the liberal mafia.

                      Some do not think it worth the risk...or the fight... for freedom.

                      Glad you had the backbone to stand up and be counted... it was a great day in Canada for freedom... when Ontario wheat growers shed the chains of indifference and Eugene Whalan's tyrannical legacy.

                      Bless you and Cheers!



                        You are frustrated. I understand. A Cabinet Minster must vet all actions through the Justice Dept. We know any action you prescribe would bring court action by the CWB.

                        Uncertainty to have multiple rulings against your solution by judges who have ruled against your request many times.


                          I think you've been one of the lonely ones Tom.
                          Somehow I doubt they'll name one of their ships after


                            Tom, Don't take me wrong. I'm just asking here.

                            Do you think things would turn out different today under this gov't?

                            Was it poor timing given the politics at that time?

                            Will it be tried again using what you have learnt?



                              Given the judges Chuck had to deal with... it was not a big surprise... IN HINDSIGHT!

                              I would have been with Silver 100%... but that Liberal Judges protect Goodales special status CWB public/private corp is no surprise.

                              Goodale did an excellent job of putting armour plating on the CWB Act... with much thought put into the control issues in governance. Since Goodale wrote the statute... he called the shots on interpretation.

                              Liberals gave the CWB its life and soul... so liberal judges will not let Conservatives change the CWB... without complete control of Parliament.

                              That is the way Goodale intended the CWB Act to be interpreted... it is written in stone... unless someone has the authority to demolish that stone foundation. Ask former Minister Charlie... and Chuck. If I were Minister Gerry... I would do exactly what he is doing... if no agreement with Goodale to change the CWB.

                              There is nothing more embarrassing and disappointing... to business and the nation... legally... than failure to execute judgement on an initiative like change to the CWB mandate!

                              The costs of failure are substantial and real... often hidden and never seen.

                              I know. Our farm has paid... I would bet so has Silver's!


                                Its a simple yes or no question. No third option or confusing question. Anyone with email can respond to the poll. Why then do you think you would get a differnet result. Are you saying that open market supporters on percentage terms have more computers and therefore more access to email, to rig the vote. Would the NFU have to use snail mail to get their different results?


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