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CWB Annual Report Released

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    CWB Annual Report Released

    [URL="http://www.cwb.ca/public/en/about/investor/annual/"]2009 11 CWB annual report[/URL]


    Could you explain page 90 on the asset and liabilities on the derivatives?



      The first page of the 09-10 CWB Annual report... has enough errors to sink a ship.

      1. The CWB is not owned by farmers.

      2. How can the CWB claim 'record' earnings... when they are lower than the past 2 years?

      WHO wrote this?

      Please excuse me... I need to use the throne room...

      "A message from the chair
      of the board of directors
      and the president and CEO
      November 2010
      Working together builds
      strong relationships.
      Western Canadian farmers, by working
      together to market their grain, created
      the Canadian Wheat Board in 1935.
      On the CWB’s 75th anniversary in
      2010, the deep-rooted tradition of
      Prairie cooperation lives on. Today’s
      producers still reap value from joining
      forces to maximize their returns and their
      competitive position in a marketplace
      dominated by bigger and fewer players.
      As farmers’ representatives and their
      organization, our goal is to make their
      aspirations a reality.
      In 2009-10, farmers received $4.6 billion
      in returns for the sale of their grain,
      one of the highest overall returns in
      history (although significantly lower than
      the previous two crop years, which saw
      dramatic rallies in highly volatile global
      commodity markets). Total CWB exports
      were 18.7 million tonnes, the highest
      volume in 10 years, up 300 000 tonnes
      over the previous year.
      The CWB not only brings farmers
      together as sellers, it is a tool for
      connecting them with their customers
      around the world. As the marketer
      of western Canadian wheat and
      barley for 75 years, the CWB has
      built long-standing sales relationships
      based on reputation, trust and a solid
      understanding of customer needs.
      As a farmer-owned marketing
      organization, we stand out in a world
      marketplace dominated by large
      multinationals, and consistently earn
      higher prices than our competitors
      (see “Measuring Success”, page 45).
      What makes us strong is our single-desk
      structure, the farmers behind it and
      the superior product they grow –
      people like Kerry Maurer and his
      daughter Amy, who farm together near
      Yorkton, Saskatchewan (see page 8).
      The 2009-10 crop year was a good
      example. Exceptional September
      weather – along with farmers’
      perseverance – rescued a large Prairie
      crop that had faced dismal earlier
      prospects. The result was a large all wheat
      crop (24.6 million tonnes) of very
      high quality, with 78 per cent of the
      spring wheat grading Nos. 1 or 2.
      The biggest challenge of 2009-10
      was the abundant supply of wheat in
      the international market from most
      grain-producing regions of the world,
      creating strong export competition for
      reduced import demand. Despite this
      reality, the CWB accepted 100 per cent
      of the non-durum wheat offered by
      farmers and greatly surpassed our early
      expectations for sales of both durum
      and malting barley."

      If this is an indication of the ethics and honest disclosure of the facts...

      What exactly does the rest of this report mean???


        Not sure what the derivative assets and liabilities mean on page 90. Good question for the director meeting in March.


          It looks like they moved assets into a liability, which means they expensed out some trading losses????


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