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Feed Barley and the CWB...

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    Feed Barley and the CWB...

    Did you see this Charlie?

    Talk about killing feed barley prices...

    Do not tell barley farmers when export prices are better than domestic returns... Cash BUY it from the TRADE! GIVE them the money!

    WOW Chairman Oberg... the thief is truly in charge of the bank!!!


    "The feed barley pools
    During the course of the crop year, the domestic feed market
    continued to be strong and farmers focused on delivering feed
    barley to this market, resulting in no deliveries to the CWB
    feed barley pools.

    The CWB did see opportunities where
    offshore sales for feed barley could be made at values above
    the domestic feed market. Because of the relatively small
    volumes of demand, and due to the volatility of prices,
    these opportunities were covered by the CWB through
    the use of cash buying."

    Page 60... 09-10 CWB Annual Report...

    The theft continues...

    "Some activity in the barley pools was related to net interest
    earnings of $212,000 and to differences between estimates
    and actual results of $119,000. Because this was unrelated
    to farmer deliveries during 2009-10 and consistent with the
    treatment of these credits and charges in previous pool years,
    a total of $331,000 was transferred to the contingency fund.
    (See Note 20 – Contingency Fund on pages 97 and 98)."


      Chairman OBERG... JUST THINK for ONE SECOND....

      THe CWB "in order to take
      advantage of niche- and premium market
      opportunities", takes the premium from the grower and puts it in the pool... WHY WOULD any sane 'designated area' grain grower make the export sale?

      So the CWB then fills this grain sale using the very multi-national grain companies.. they claim they are protecting us from! WITH a cash sale... THIS is called EXTRACTING 'opportunities' from the 'single desk'.

      CWB statement on PDS program;

      "Producer Direct Sale (PDS)
      Farmers have the ability to sell
      directly to buyers through the
      PdS program in order to take
      advantage of niche- and premium market
      opportunities. This program
      ensures that all Western Canadian
      farmers retain the benefits of
      single-desk selling while program
      participants pursue additional
      marketing opportunities."


        Page 35 09-10 CWB Annual Report


          TOM4CWB, I agree with you, and wouldn't it help if farmers were able to freely export their feed barley into premium export markets?


            Here's something else that doesn't add up.

            Feed Barley Pools....zero deliveries
            Feed Barley EPOs......zero deliveries

            Feed Barley EPOs.....$13,000 loss

            I recognize this isn't a big number but it just makes me wonder what is going on. This isn't the first time something like this has happened.


              My interest is how little information there was on feed barley/cash trading in the operations generated narative on page 67 of the annual report or the notes in the audited portion on 97 and 98. Not a lot is actually known about what actually occurred in feed barley. Without a pooling process, the CWB is effectively a grain company/broker which sells feed barley when opportunities present themselves.


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