Silver and Bucket,
You must admit that this 'Ship' issue has brought a whole 'new' understanding of how far out of touch the CWB Directors are with real commercial reality.
Here are two inexcusable blunders... that prove chairman OBERG and president and ceo WHITE have been duped and sold a farce:
1. THEY know capital is not free. They are crazy to answer the first question from the selfish greedy CWB view of absolutely no respect for grain growers assets they are confiscating!
2. On the second question... by lowering the cost of shipping on the great lakes... where not one kernel of my wheat or barley is shipped... how on earth can my shipping costs be reduced... when I ship and pay to ship to the west coast?
T ishere cross subsidisation and I am being forced; against my knowledge... to pay for laker freight I do NOT know about... to pay costs to the CWB I do not owe... for grain I do not own... to be shipped to markets I will never supply with grain? Are our deductions for freight we pay on CWB grain a hoax?
It would cost way less... in the very near future... when the Panama Canal upgrades are complete... to ship to Africa and middle east by Panamax via the Pacific ports.
It is totally obvious this is meant to buy votes for the CWB 'single desk' in Manitoba.
This decision is like gold in the bank it goes directly AGAINST the Federal COurt ruling telling the CWB to stop funding the promotion of the 'single desk'.
CWB management is totally out to lunch. And now we have absolute irrefutable proof they do not care about the whole west half of the CWB 'designated area'.
Background questions that prove CWB negligent:
"Q. How are these ships being paid for?
A. The investment in these two vessels totals $65 million. This will be paid from general revenues over the course of four crop years. The purchase will not be financed over a longer period, meaning there is no borrowing and no interest charges.
Q. Is this purchase within the CWB's mandate?
A. Yes. The CWB's goal is to maximize farmer returns. Reducing transportation costs by investing in these ships can help achieve that goal. Every year, it costs farmers $70-75 million to move their grain through the Great Lakes. Through this investment, farmers share in the revenue and recoup part of these costs."
You must admit that this 'Ship' issue has brought a whole 'new' understanding of how far out of touch the CWB Directors are with real commercial reality.
Here are two inexcusable blunders... that prove chairman OBERG and president and ceo WHITE have been duped and sold a farce:
1. THEY know capital is not free. They are crazy to answer the first question from the selfish greedy CWB view of absolutely no respect for grain growers assets they are confiscating!
2. On the second question... by lowering the cost of shipping on the great lakes... where not one kernel of my wheat or barley is shipped... how on earth can my shipping costs be reduced... when I ship and pay to ship to the west coast?
T ishere cross subsidisation and I am being forced; against my knowledge... to pay for laker freight I do NOT know about... to pay costs to the CWB I do not owe... for grain I do not own... to be shipped to markets I will never supply with grain? Are our deductions for freight we pay on CWB grain a hoax?
It would cost way less... in the very near future... when the Panama Canal upgrades are complete... to ship to Africa and middle east by Panamax via the Pacific ports.
It is totally obvious this is meant to buy votes for the CWB 'single desk' in Manitoba.
This decision is like gold in the bank it goes directly AGAINST the Federal COurt ruling telling the CWB to stop funding the promotion of the 'single desk'.
CWB management is totally out to lunch. And now we have absolute irrefutable proof they do not care about the whole west half of the CWB 'designated area'.
Background questions that prove CWB negligent:
"Q. How are these ships being paid for?
A. The investment in these two vessels totals $65 million. This will be paid from general revenues over the course of four crop years. The purchase will not be financed over a longer period, meaning there is no borrowing and no interest charges.
Q. Is this purchase within the CWB's mandate?
A. Yes. The CWB's goal is to maximize farmer returns. Reducing transportation costs by investing in these ships can help achieve that goal. Every year, it costs farmers $70-75 million to move their grain through the Great Lakes. Through this investment, farmers share in the revenue and recoup part of these costs."