Leaving aside the issue of whether it's a good investment or not (don't know - not enough information for me) or whether it should have been an "election" issue (why not - it seems military planes/helicoptors always are), rather than simply charge $1/mt across the board, why don't they raise the FAF by about $4/mt which means that those in the eastern catchements have to essentially pay the bill? after all, isn't the FAF supposed to recoup some of the additional costs of moving grain east?
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CWB Ships are none of your buisness- Mb Cooperator
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Tom you kin't be goin around Quotin Scripture & Half Truths like dis all da time if'n you want us to take you Seriously....
DJpaper said...... (C&P)
" I see a number of guys complaining that their grain moves to the west coast andso won't even benefit from the laker purchase.
I am defending the purchase in every possible way, the financial return from the lakers - the $10 million a year they talk about - will go into "revenue from other sources" which is distributed to the pool accounts. So it doesn't matter which direction your grain goes."
Sooo Now What Tom, Now What?????
Do you honestly think the revenue from these lakers will go into the pooling accounts??? It will go into the laker contingency fund in case they have a bad year or unforseen repairs or expenses. When the wheat board shackles are lifted it will be used to pay severence $$$$$ to all those poor employees.
You can own whatever percent of the CWB lakers you like... Count my farm out.
Since we do not use the pool accounts ( sell with PPO's)except when forced against our will ... and we are obviously having our PPO volume of sales included in the $1/t tax...
This is just another insane way to pay for a CWB Capital asset... that we will not use.
If there is a $10m dollar 'profit' then it must be shared over all of the approx 25mmt of grain shipped each year... figure it out for your self BTO... how much savings will the 3.2mmt get?
A whopping $.40/t income for shippers going through the Great Lakes... to go against an estimated cost of $23/t?
You have been duped BTO.
This is totally different than hopper rail cars.
SO my farm must risk thousands of dollars in income... for a possible forty cents per year per tonne income?
If the CWB could ever match the tonnes that paid in... to the profit to be returned...I see absolutely no evidence this is planned or going to happen.
BTO... what rabbit hole are you going down... by claiming I am irreverent and using my personal faith to somehow shackle you...?
Do you make the claim none of us have property rights... and that your theft is a proper acceptable common law principal!
We are supposed to be happy about you taking and 'coveting' our Capital assets for at least the next 8-20 years... without permission?
Who says it will not be over $10m or that the tonnes produced will not be substantially under 25mmt?
Why should grain going to domestic value added processors in western Canada be levied this tax at all?
And why should the domestic feed market benefit from a wider basis... causing a natural decrease in feed grain prices... meaning that far more than 25mmt will actually lose value?
If our family plans to produce less wheat as the years go by... we will NEVER get our Capital funding back... especially IF we opt out of the CWB!
Which this is TRULY all about in the first place.
A very cheap disguise to force the Canadian government and western 'designated area' grain growers into believing the CWB 'single desk' is somehow of value and must be maintained!
BTO you are a very cheap imitation of an insulting thieving bully.
Go steal someone else's property!
I for one... am not buying any of your arguments... so take my farm's name off the list of those who must pay for your boats!
If you're going to quote me, the least you can do is get it right.
This is what I wrote:
I see a number of guys complaining that their grain moves to the west coast andso won't even benefit from the laker purchase.
<b>Not defending the purchase in anyway</b>, but the financial return from the lakers - the $10 million a year they talk about - will go into "revenue from other sources" which is distributed to the pool accounts. So it doesn't matter which direction your grain goes.
I suggest you get a new computer - the one you have does a lousy cut and paste (C&P).
Say BTO,
I was just thinking, CWB thoughts!
No more TalkingEskimo here!
Perhaps we should cross haul all our wheat to the east coast... then ship it back through Thunder Bay and then our ships could make record time... be loaded with our wheat both ways... we can use our rail hopper fleet to Thunder Bay... Laker to Montreal of Quebec City... and then direct return to Thunderbay... and fill our own hopper car fleet to Prince Rupert... as it is the closest route to Japan/China!
Just think of all the extra efficiencies and huge profits that could be shared with everyone... in the 'other revenue' earnings of the CWB
Like money in the Bank! How foolish of me to question your logic BTO!
Perhaps you and the CWB can buy $100,000,000.00 more of Computers and software... to look after all these extra transportation churning revenue and profits... our GDP could be increased exponentially!
Perhaps we could ACTUALLY be the biggest wheat/barley marketer in the world... if we would only sell each tonne we produce... back to ourselves... at least 10 times each and every year!!!!
Actually tom, the cwb engages in that practice when they ship grain to churchill and then find out they can't move it for an extended period of time. So they rail it back to vancouver.
A perfect example of paying certain farmers a premium (the churchill program) and then when extra costs are incurred everyone pays. Make the churchill program farmer pay the cost of shipping grain from churchill to vancouver.
Then the program might be re-evaluated.
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