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Rand paul interview on CBC radio, Good Listen

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    Rand paul interview on CBC radio, Good Listen


    Ron Pauls Son, Rand Paul explains his ideology and where he thinks America needs to go.

    Thanks Bee Gee. All in all, I thought Rand Paul's
    comments are quite intelligent and balanced. A new
    way perhaps? Which leads me to ask is he a Tea
    Partier, really? Certainly disconnected from some of
    the lunacy that say a Caribou Barbie prattles on
    about. And just check out some of the weirdness
    going on in the Montana Legislature right now led
    by the so called Tea Party. I think Paul is an
    example of a new option just beginning to evolve
    that perhaps crosses the lines of far left and far
    right. I never thought I would say this. How does
    this fit into a Canadian context? He praised us for
    our low corporate tax rate, but is that good or bad?
    Tough questions for a Libertarian Socialist like me
    to reconcile, lol!
    Thanks, Rockpile


      I especially liked how he handled the interviewer when she asked him about abortion and gay marriage.


        beegee, - those are non issues. I was impressed by his
        analysis of economic and global intervention
        observations. Keep the morality discussions in your
        own house, you have no right to impose your belief
        systems on others if you truly believe in the ownership
        of personal rights.


          He talks the talk (I was very impressed) but now can he walk the walk. The Washington partisan-ism illness has a funny way of infecting well intentioned politicians :-(


            BeeGee glad you cood make it to da Party, BUT yer missin da Bigger Picture. Time to Wakeup Folks. Here is anotter good video.



              Agree, bgmb, heard it yesterday. Rand stopped her cold with " you say the other individual has no rights".
              Yes, if there was a legal definition of when life begins, the abortion debate would be over. No more arguments over women's right to chose.


                Instead of Ron running for president. I think he should pay for his sons campaign for president.


                  Instead of Ron running for president. I think he should pay for his sons campaign for president.


                    Glad to see you guys liked what he had to say. I wish he would come to Canada a give our conservative party a kick in the bum.

                    However I am seeing some good steps from our gov and its lending agencies in terms of moving towards better lending policies. Example, FCC is not pushing interest only anymore, still offer it but not really promoting it. Also CMHC raising the minimum down payment from 5% to 10% on house purchases.


                      I heard it as well.
                      He did a nice job.
                      They need to do something to get their finances under control.


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