With the global population expected to grow to 9 billion in a short period of time, the role of technology in feeding the world is debated at many conferences worldwide. Technology must play a role in the future of food or the battle versus hunger is going to be a very scary proposition. Food economics is a very interesting subject simply because the challenge is so great for the modernized world.
The distribution of food has been at the root of the recent rebellions in the middle east. With the a fruit vendor lighting himself on fire because his food scale was confiscated by the government, the ability to access food and produce enough should be a real concern. The challenge is real and technology has a key role to help produce enough safe food for the growing demand of the consumer.
At the NCBA 2011 meeting I talked about food economics with Neil Gripper, Director of Marketing US Beef Brands, Elanco Animal Health. Neil speaks regularly about the growing demand for food and the role that technology must play in ensuring supply is up to the challenge.
SEE MORE [URL="http://realagriculture.com/category/farm-shows/ncba11/"]NCBA 2011[/URL] COVERAGE
If you cannot see the embedded video below <a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kDLuBd4dFgM">click here</a>
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The distribution of food has been at the root of the recent rebellions in the middle east. With the a fruit vendor lighting himself on fire because his food scale was confiscated by the government, the ability to access food and produce enough should be a real concern. The challenge is real and technology has a key role to help produce enough safe food for the growing demand of the consumer.
At the NCBA 2011 meeting I talked about food economics with Neil Gripper, Director of Marketing US Beef Brands, Elanco Animal Health. Neil speaks regularly about the growing demand for food and the role that technology must play in ensuring supply is up to the challenge.
SEE MORE [URL="http://realagriculture.com/category/farm-shows/ncba11/"]NCBA 2011[/URL] COVERAGE
If you cannot see the embedded video below <a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kDLuBd4dFgM">click here</a>
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