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What is the CWB???

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    What is the CWB???

    Just thinking Fransisco et al...

    TalkingEskimo I know...

    We are looking for innovative expressions of what you believe the CWB is to your farm!

    Keep the language CLEAN... please!

    "Controlled by western Canadian Pirates, the CWB is the largest wheat and barley slave trade marketer in the world. As one of Canada's biggest rip off scheeme, the Winnipeg-based organization steals grain and pawns it off to over 70 countries and returns as little of the sales revenue, with as much 'single desk' marketing costs included as possible, to farmers. The CWB now owns 2 ships... bought without the slave farmers permission... to increase the liability of those who seek to leave this immoral slavery production system."!

    A boat anchor comes to mind.

    They need not order this for one of their Chinese lakers. Just come and pick it up at the farm.




      A wheat woven Boat Anchour... with 'TalkingEskimo' under it...

      The intangeble benefits of the CWB!!!

      By the way... those hopper cars we CWB farmers own... does anyone know how much interest we pay to the CWB each year... plus the the outstanding loan we owe on them? How many do we have.... at what cost???

      I see we owe, $1.8 billion Page 70 CWB annual report...

      "Net borrowings were $1.8 billion at the close of 2009-10,
      unchanged from $1.8 billion at the 2008-09 year-end."



        Page 86; "The Corporation does not have any goodwill assets."

        This must be the biggest corporation in Canada... that would have its 'Annual Report' state this fact so bluntly.


          Speaking of 'Intangible Benefits'...

          $136,061,000.00 has been spent on Computer and software development... with a declared book value of $88,583,000.00. [Page 94.]

          Wow... no wonder why CWB managers think the ships are such a good deal!!!

          If the CWB were disbanded tomorrow... this would be worth... $1?

          TalkingEskimo again...


            Ahhhhhhhhhhh... now I get it...

            13. Borrowings
            The Corporation issues debt in world capital markets. The Corporation’s borrowings are undertaken with the approval of the Minister of Finance."

            Now we know why the CWB didn't borrow the money from the government of Canada... at ZERO percent... to buy the ships!

            Because they could not get permission... so the ship money had to come out of the pool accounts!!!


              The CWB......were the big print giveth and the small print takith away.





                  The CWB owes $1.8 billion net debt.

                  You own the CWB. Doesn't this bother you just a little?


                    Tom you asked what the CWB is to my farm. It's completely irrelevant to my farm.

                    As a taxpayer, it's up there with welfare fraud, doctor shopping hypochondriacs, and arts grants........


                      Something for T4 to whine about!!



                        You want to hear about injustice?

                        Personal vendettas to use the 'commercial powers' of the CWB to steal our farms grain?

                        Months of stupid negotiations that others would do without challenge?

                        Just to deliver grain through approved CWB protocol...

                        Ever think it would be possible to be locked out of a Library just for wanting to look up history? The CWB banned me from their Library... as far as I can tell for LIFE... AFTER the CWB Librarian had invited me to come and do research.

                        You know this... just wanted to see me rant... a thousand reasons to 'whine'... that continue to hurt my family and farm personally... AGSTAR77...



                          Here is what the judges say gives the CWB Act power to 'recind' your property rights that cover your wheat:

                          "Regulations CWB Act Part IV
                          46. The Governor in Council may make regulations

                          46(c) to provide for the granting of licences for the export from Canada, or for the sale or purchase for delivery outside Canada, of wheat or wheat products, which export, sale or purchase is otherwise prohibited under this Part;

                          46(d) to prescribe the terms and conditions on which licences described in paragraph (c) may be granted, including a requirement for the recovery from the applicant by the Corporation or any other person specified by the regulation, of a sum that, in the opinion of the Corporation, represents the pecuniary benefit enuring to the applicant pursuant to the granting of a licence, arising solely by reason of the prohibition of exports of wheat and wheat products without a licence and then existing differences between prices of wheat and wheat products inside and outside Canada;"

                          However 'politial responsibility' would assure your property rights would never be 'recinded' ?

                          This is 1940's War time legislation.

                          We in the 'designated area' are at war. WE NEED YOUR HELP DaleK!!!


                            Right Tom, and more precisely, it was added to the CWB Act in 1947 after the war.

                            During the War in 1943, a monopoly was given to the CWB by REGULATION (P.C. 7942) which stated:

                            "The Board may, by order....prohibit the export of wheat and wheat products from Canada either ABSOLUTELY or except under a licence from the Board issued on such terms and conditions as the Board may prescribe"

                            However, in 1946, the CWB lawyer, (who wrote the 1947 amendments), expressed in a 1946 internal letter to the Dept. of Trade and Commerce:

                            "we have some real doubt if the Dominion Government can, in peace time, grant to the Board the powers which it has received and exercised in wartime."

                            So he cleverly wrote and added the 1947 amendments to the CWB Act which remains essentially unchanged today. It was intended and acted as a NATIONAL export (and import tax) on wheat which drove wheat into the hands of the CWB/Government.

                            The CWB acts as if they are still under the Wartime Regulations, changing their interpretation of 46(d) to suit their needs.


                              tommy4, must be getting paid by Angriville
                              to share all his insights. Or maybe it is
                              the Albertie gobernment behind tommie4.
                              After all he is one of the big boosters!
                              I've heard the guy speak at meetings, and
                              to say he is weird is an


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