Hey guys. How about chipping in for full-page ads in the Globe & Mail and National Post describing the ship scandal and other perversions of the Wheat Board? Might wake up Harper and Ritz too and discredit Liberal and NDP (and Bloc) supporters. Might evn get some time on the CBC.
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Expose CWB to Canadian voters
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I am pretty sure an AVer had previously posted this weblink. I liked it for matter of fact reporting. You can glean historical facts from it. http://www.fcpp.org/publication.php/1623
I like the paragraphs.
After the war, the monopoly was temporarily extended, for the reason that it gave Ottawa the ability to provide low-cost wheat to the rebuilding of the mother country, Great Britain. By means of the postwar Canada-U.K. Wheat Agreement, Ottawa contractually agreed to supply, over a four-year period, 600 million bushels of prairie wheat at bargain prices.
This time there would be no offsetting payment to Prairie farmers. It was a policy that prompted John Diefenbaker to declare, "Fine, help Britain; I am all for it. But if gifts are made to Britain of aircraft, war material, or anything else manufactured, the cost doesn't come out of the manufacturer's pocket. You are treating farmers unfairly!"
In March of 1947, the Canadian Press ran a story that indicated during the first four years of its existence as a monopoly (1943-1947), the CWB had cost Prairie farmers $535 million in lost wheat revenues. And there were yet three more years of the postwar Canada-UK Wheat Agreement to be fulfilled.
OK. So who is putting the ad in? I nominate Tom. Who is writing it? Who is editting it? Who is pricing it out? What is the deal, are we gonna let this idea pass us by too? Typical board haters we are. All talk, no frigging action! I'm trying here to get the leader types to step up. Pretty tactful, hey?
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