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Expose CWB to Canadian voters

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    they can’t help you ...


    What a self serving bullshit statement and I take exception to it.

    While we were fighting the single desk with our own own time and money, you were still trying to do business with the CWB. When that did not materialize, the light finally came on??

    This is a political decision - if you think that letters to the editor, main stream media appearances and a blog are going to change anything, you havent been following this fight very well.

    I watched how much influence the CWB monitor had during the last election. How did that work for the rest of you?

    I had more vistitors on Fertilizer Buddy in a ONE fn day than you did in the entire run of the CWB Monitor. I love this line: If you think you have influence, come and call my dog...I'll call yours and get the same result.

    Influence a politician through lobbying - good fn grief - what rock have you been under.

    Grain marketing in western Canada will change when farmers (NOT producers Shaney) take matters into their own hands - just as they do in Quebec - in France - in Argentina.

    Farmers: Grow up and take your business back. You are in this predicament because you have stood to the side and let someone else fight your fights.

    If 1000 of you spent $500.00 on airfare and camped out at Ottawa for a day - blocked both houses from sitting - you would get all the national media attention you need to start change - and you wouldn't have to buy advertisments Maurice.

    If 1500 of you want to spend $500.00 - start a ****ing charter challenge.

    I used to think I would see change to grain marketing during my lifetime; however, if farmers don't take this into their own hands, it won't happen and that is coming from someone who has been on this file since 1987.

    Now where is my nitro..


      WANTED-Any former or present employees of the Canadian Wheat Board to provide information that leads to the arrest and conviction of any past or present CWB employees and directors.$10,000 Reward.



        Don’t take this personally.

        Your <b>NEWSLETTER</b> can’t help farmers fight the CWB effectively. Unless your sponsor has changed his policy regarding content about the CWB. Your newsletter – and the marketing guidance that Duvenaud, Kostal and Tjaden-Lepp provide – good as it all is - is not what is needed here. I think this is what JDGreen is saying about The CWB Monitor too. We need more than writing. Last I looked, no one is offering to do what I am offering. Unless you are and just haven’t told me.

        You’re absolutely right – farmers need to take matters in their own hands. To do that they need ammunition, guidance, resources and commitment. If you’re willing to step up to the plate, great. We need all the help we can get.

        You don’t seem to think lobbying works. Seriously? Try to tell that to the NRA. Lobbying is the number one industry in Washington and getting close to that in Ottawa. The mistake we’ve all made on the CWB file is that we don’t go in with the right weapons. Information. Knowledge. Facts. Yes, even credibility. All anyone has ever done before is to go in and try to change Easter’s or Goodale’s mind by saying the CWB is unconstitutional. Or to beg Ritz to “do something”. How’s that been working?

        Lobbying works. You just need the right ammunition.

        And look how this thread started – with the idea of an advertising campaign. A form of lobbying or influencing. And your idea of a rally. Same thing – different tactic. It’s all about getting noticed. It’s all good.

        If 1000 guys want go to Ottawa and camp out for a day or two, good on ‘em. I’ll go with them. Hell, I’ll help organize it. How about you? Will you help?

        I can see why you’re frustrated Larry. On the file since 1987 and nothing to show for it. What’s that definition of insanity .... doing the same thing over and over expecting to get a different result. Time to do something different. That's why some of us have tried different tactics with the CWB - like talking to them or working with them (one step forward), instead of yelling at them (two steps back). You may see fault in some of it, but everything I've done or tried to do is with the fundamental objective of CWB reform. And there's more tactics to try. Just watch me.

        If the CWB Monitor can provide the resources for farmers to revolt effectively, I’d be thrilled.

        You got a bit of a head of steam going there, Larry. Sure would be great to have that firepower on our side aimed the other way.

        I'd like to see the CWB change in your lifetime too. Getting pissed off at me because I touched a nerve doesn't help the cause. (two steps back.)



          What GREAT energy is here!!!

          We need to score a touchdown!

          We are frank with each other... when we truly realise that each of us when working TOGETHER... become many times STRONGer, the farce of CWB deceptions can be beaten back.

          Unless we are willing to spend more time, MONEY, and become better organised than the CWB... we will not beat this crazy beast back (the CWB 'single desk') in to the CAve it belongs in... and chain it up for good!

          We need Larry.

          We need John.

          We need ALL of us!!!

          If we spent 10% of what we lose on each of our farms; to CWB arrogance and blunders... we could burry this beast for good.

          There is a federal election comming... we must make this an issue in OUR election... it is even more important than CWB director elections!

          WHAT are we going to do about this???



            Im going to laugh my ass off the day when the
            conservatives are not in power and one of those
            western mps stands up and starts screaming "free
            western farmers and get rid of the gun registration"

            Then we will have come full circle and a few of you
            might wake up to this thing called reality.


              Open for public comment till end of March...
              http://www.grainews.ca/issues/story.aspx?aid=1000403492&link_source=aypr_GRN&lin k_targ=DailyNews



                Personaly, I think the day the conservetives are no longer in power will be a sad day for western Canada. Electing a bunch of Liberal or NDP MPs will not help our cause of freedom from the CWB. For now we might as well wait and see if we are in an election campaign by the end of this month. If we are we need to work to get as many MPs elected the support market choice as possible. If we get a majority of market choice MPs elected then we need to hold them to their promises after the election. That will be the time to go to Ottawa. And we need numbers, as many as possible.


                  Single full page ad in the Globe:


                  Eastern only

                  1/2 page:



                  Colour? Add $4k / $10k

                  Plus add production costs


                    If we farmers wont to make a differnce with the cwb we need to be in Ottawa when the bill on opting out of the pool is debated in the house. If farmers were there in support of that bill maybe THEY would GET IT we wont the feedom to market OUR wheat and barley.


                      Larry, you my man, are speaking my language. We farmers need to grow some nards. I would be first in line, but I need guidance, leadership, etc.. I agree it is in our hands, and this bs of whining while growing board grains, whining while sitting on our hands has to stop. I unfortunately have no 500 bucks to spare right now. But if someone steps up who is a leader and gets the ball rolling, I will find a way.

                      Larry, can you be the leader? Who should lead? WHO WILL LEAD?



                        The conservatives are not going to change anything regarding farmers in western canada. If you study what they have done to date and analyze it, there is a better chance we were better off with a liberal government.

                        Agriinvest, the new nisa, is 1.5 percent instead of 3 for eligible net sales and you have to deposit before you get the government share. If I had the money, I would not be begging for more.

                        Fees on agristablity, nice hey. They can't work on your file until you file your income tax a year later. More money for nothing.

                        The conservatives like to use western canadian farmers as a cash cow for elections and there is one coming which is why they introduced the private members bill.

                        I just wish they would go a set of balls and fight an election on this issue.


                          The balls they would need would be flea balls, too. Why would the opposition dare go to the polls to defend inequality amongst Canadian farmers? Most Canadians don't have a clue about the board. There would be no fight over it. Why would they fight it? They are an urban bunch of clowns. There is no political gain for them to fight for the CWB. Any time in the last 5 years, the cons could have brought it forward as a confidence vote, but did not. Without being a conspiracy theorist, I think there is more at play. Death threats, etc. Mafia? Who knows? But the are chicken for some reason, and I think it goes beyond the normal realm.



                            I left this response in GrainNews:

                            "I am fine with the CGC doing whatever they want... as long as we have a choice NOT to use their services on export sales. Same goes with CWB marketing services. If both of these institutions do NOT provide good value for our $...

                            They (the CGC & CWB) should be forced to the same pressures as grain growers...

                            Innovate and find a better way... or become irrelevant... and then finally will let someone else do the job... who will be serious about change and providing good value for the charge they require farmers to pay!

                            I still see no true value to this system of grading and marketing milling human consumption grains like wheat and durum... without doing a falling number and flour yield.

                            Both are the base determination of quality and value... that our Canadian statutory grading & marketing system totally misses.

                            When are we going to face reality?"

                            Just an example of what I just did in 15 minutes that informs... educates... and 'innovates'.

                            There is a wonderful opportunity to educate every person in Canada... with op-eds and community service space in media. RIGHT NOW.

                            The cost is our time, this will not come cheap.

                            Either way we must cast off the chains of tradition that provide no useful value!

                            If every one of us does this for an hour a day... with the great info both John and Larry provide...

                            If in a rational and polite manner this is served up to folks local and also in distant urban communities... we can change our reality in western Canada.

                            IT is this simple... but every one of us... and our families... MUST connect and communicate effectively & rationally!


                              100000% correct Bucket, Lweber, Freewheat, Cotton.

                              Let's not just stop at the CWB issue why not the entire ball game.

                              We are headed into a situation of once again not seeding and I will grant maybe extreme dry hot weather will make an appearance and we will all seed but really? And now we have 70 bucks for not seeded apparently instead of 50 and 30. And no one makes a fart in the wind about it, what *****s!

                              Agristability will not work for the areas that flooded 2005 06 07 10 and obviously will not work for the very same people in 2011, and no one says anything? Well actually I should say many farmers in those areas are phoning their MLA and MP but we are just too insignificant aren't we. Well you know what people without margins get off your ass this thing isn't going to get better, the guys that had the good weather sure as hell are showing here they will not help.

                              Block parlaiment for a day, legislative bldg as well and have the real facts about the bullshit of the agriinstability revealed, those that don't need a pay out get the most. Expose the mps and mlas that while in opposition said all the right things but now that they are in giving us the the f you, well not thanks actually f you back!

                              Livestock producers being f'd over in the bse thing that was caused by government itself and a few greedy feedlots using that shit for feed never being held accountable.

                              And yes of course the cwb reveal the facts obviously not hard to do. Chaffmeister made a comment that we cannot do the same thing and expect a different outcome. Well didn't we put a Conservative government in power? Alot of good that got us, no end to cwb and they f'd up agri-screwjobability even more than it was in the first place. Or was it a f up, maybe it's the plan?

                              Which brings me to a general question do you think that the failure of the ag programs for some and a bonus for others is intentional? When the rulers of the so called investment ag companies that are buying 30 40 50 quarters of land at auctions, and the rulers of these companies are who? aren't many of them people that ran or run parts of current and past political parties? these parties control the programs? or am I wrong maybe, but look at the names on the websites and google them and see the connections come up, see what you think it's interesting to say the least. Put 2 and 2 together, when it was said the other day that 6.5 billion went into that program who got it? maybe they don't need a lottery ticket they made their own with taxpayer money I might add.

                              JUST MY HUMBLE OPINION



                                Could you email your phone number to me at cwb@depape.ca

                                I'd like to chat about a couple of things.

                                John De Pape


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