they can’t help you ...
What a self serving bullshit statement and I take exception to it.
While we were fighting the single desk with our own own time and money, you were still trying to do business with the CWB. When that did not materialize, the light finally came on??
This is a political decision - if you think that letters to the editor, main stream media appearances and a blog are going to change anything, you havent been following this fight very well.
I watched how much influence the CWB monitor had during the last election. How did that work for the rest of you?
I had more vistitors on Fertilizer Buddy in a ONE fn day than you did in the entire run of the CWB Monitor. I love this line: If you think you have influence, come and call my dog...I'll call yours and get the same result.
Influence a politician through lobbying - good fn grief - what rock have you been under.
Grain marketing in western Canada will change when farmers (NOT producers Shaney) take matters into their own hands - just as they do in Quebec - in France - in Argentina.
Farmers: Grow up and take your business back. You are in this predicament because you have stood to the side and let someone else fight your fights.
If 1000 of you spent $500.00 on airfare and camped out at Ottawa for a day - blocked both houses from sitting - you would get all the national media attention you need to start change - and you wouldn't have to buy advertisments Maurice.
If 1500 of you want to spend $500.00 - start a ****ing charter challenge.
I used to think I would see change to grain marketing during my lifetime; however, if farmers don't take this into their own hands, it won't happen and that is coming from someone who has been on this file since 1987.
Now where is my nitro..
they can’t help you ...
What a self serving bullshit statement and I take exception to it.
While we were fighting the single desk with our own own time and money, you were still trying to do business with the CWB. When that did not materialize, the light finally came on??
This is a political decision - if you think that letters to the editor, main stream media appearances and a blog are going to change anything, you havent been following this fight very well.
I watched how much influence the CWB monitor had during the last election. How did that work for the rest of you?
I had more vistitors on Fertilizer Buddy in a ONE fn day than you did in the entire run of the CWB Monitor. I love this line: If you think you have influence, come and call my dog...I'll call yours and get the same result.
Influence a politician through lobbying - good fn grief - what rock have you been under.
Grain marketing in western Canada will change when farmers (NOT producers Shaney) take matters into their own hands - just as they do in Quebec - in France - in Argentina.
Farmers: Grow up and take your business back. You are in this predicament because you have stood to the side and let someone else fight your fights.
If 1000 of you spent $500.00 on airfare and camped out at Ottawa for a day - blocked both houses from sitting - you would get all the national media attention you need to start change - and you wouldn't have to buy advertisments Maurice.
If 1500 of you want to spend $500.00 - start a ****ing charter challenge.
I used to think I would see change to grain marketing during my lifetime; however, if farmers don't take this into their own hands, it won't happen and that is coming from someone who has been on this file since 1987.
Now where is my nitro..