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75 years of the CWB... The 15 minutes of Infamy...

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    75 years of the CWB... The 15 minutes of Infamy...

    Fransisco, Parsley, et al...

    I saw this on the CWB today...

    "Bringing Us All Together

    This video shows how the Canadian Wheat Board connects international customers with Prairie farmers. Starting on a family farm, the video moves to a grain elevator, a rail car and a ship, highlighting the care that is taken with Prairie wheat and barley.

    Throughout the video, customers speak about their impressions of western Canadian wheat and barley and the service they receive from the Canadian Wheat Board."

    Shouldn't we pay tribute to folks like:

    Olive & Jim Chatenay,

    Ken Beswick

    Ken Dillen

    Jake Hoeppner

    Linda Swanson

    Andrew McMechan

    David Sawatsky

    "The Section 5 offense was rendered null and void as per the acquittal of David Sawatzky on May 17th, 1996. Within 15 minutes of the Sawatzky decision Ralph Goodale introduced an ...

    Before this Liberal 'Order in Council'.... even though 'designated area' wheat and barley growers DID NOT break the law... they were being thrown in jail for the cry of simple justice.

    Parsley.... Fransisco...what shall we do?

    As the CWB... bred with arrogance and filled with pride... threatened to throw me out on the street yesterday...

    FOR asking why the 2 2009-10 Barley Pools lost money when '0' ZERO ... not one kernel was delivered to them...

    THE fight began all over again for me.

    NOW... 15 YEARS of INFAMY... and the need for change of... this corrupt evil decadent institution... shrieks out at us!

    Especially... A tribute to:

    Minister Ralph Goodale... the tyrant... with a smile and an evil 'Governor in Council order... ruined thousands of grain farmers in the CWB 'designated area'.!

    You are a very special person RALPH... we WILL ALWAYS remeber you... MINISTER GOODALE!

    "...the service they receive from the Canadian Wheat Board."

    This brings tears to my eye....

    And you know why,

    How many hearts die,

    Before the FREEDOM CRY!!!


      I am sorry Tommy boy but you are OBSESSED.
      Do you realize how many threads you have started in the last week, all on the same dam topic? And to top it all off you even post again and again to your own threads. I think you are eventually going to drive people off of the Commodity Marketing forum. Not only that but your threads are not really even threads or posts, they are more like editorials. I can read the want ads quicker in my Western Producer, than your posts. I think its time you gave it a rest. And yes the first four stars in my username, you can put in there what you like!!



        If you don't like this thread, click another. Like your TV. Like pages on google. It's so obvious. Parsley


          Watching the CWB spend farmers' money is a little like watching Charlie Sheen.

          Out of control. Obnoxious. And militant.

          Too many farmers don't add up the money they lose, Tom. Too many don't do their homnework. Too many don't ask questions at the meetings. Hard questions. Too many are simply interested in taking in the free lunch they don''t even know they pay for.

          Farmers have lost control of farming and of their future. And you realize it.

          Time to quit cropping and plant trees. Parsley


            You are absolutely right Pars, just had to put in my two cents. As you can see by the replies of Tommy boys last few threads I think most NORMAL people are doing just that, keep scrolling on.


              Tom has worked diligently and faithfully to build AV since its' inception. Thank goodness for us. He's sincere, a researcher and frightfully clever. (:~) And willing to share. View him as a Tomapedia.

              And earned the right to have a hell of a good run at a rant, in my humble opinion. Pars.


                Some of those people can go on the F.F.J.U. wall of shame.


                  I agree with parsley. If you don't like what Tom is posting or how often he posts no one is forcing you to read it.

                  And no one is stopping you from posting things which you think are more interesting.


                    I have to put my support to Tom and his work he has done in the years. No ****face is going to come on here and tell me well tell me anything.


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