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75 years of the CWB... The 15 minutes of Infamy...

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    Parsley... I did not pick sides this thing works both ways..


      Folks I know this is work but simply take yer index finger and scroll down wit yer mouse on a post if'n You's ain't wanna reed it. Tom I know I enjoy yer input as well as from Each & Everyone of You's, Bless yer little Hearts. Even if'n we do not agree wit what one has to say, it is still good to look at dare point of view, even fer a split second. Reason You's ain't hear much from da Bored supporters is cause dey got no ground to stand on, witch dey know deep down da Comedian Wit Bored has gotta goo..........



        It may be hard for the Borg to believe...

        If we growers do not build bridges instead of boats...the CWB may not have wheat or barley to even put in their hopper-cars!

        This isn't rocket science.

        CWB pooling is a nifty idea... until the CWB Directors run out of western 'designated area' growers money.

        Producer cars are fun... if the CWB can order the elevators to give up rail freight and cross subsidise them...

        Sooo lets pool freight going east;

        Lets pool ships going east;

        Pool eastern prairie fusarium wheat blending with western wheat...;

        Steal Select Winter wheat and protein whenever possible...;

        NO pooling of feed barley to profit western growers...;

        Steal the white Hard wheat... do not pay for intrinsic value...

        Dual market & Cash price organic wheat/barley... and take the Cash from western 'designated area' growers...;

        Rip The Great Peace country off on quality and shipping... yet it is as big as Manitoba!

        Why would any rational reasonable Alberta grain grower believe their property rights are respected by the CWB?

        So... GTO... do Manitoba growers LOVE the CWB because they can grow Soybeans and Corn...

        As Wheat and barley are now becoming minor crops... so do not really matter all that much to them as long as the west is willing to pay to boost the profitability of Manitoba CWB grains?


          t4cwb, Stealin your grain eh! Lemme see
          here. You grows the grain, yous harvests
          the grain, yous markits the grain and
          signs ta sell the grain. THEN yous hauls
          the grain to yer friends grain company and
          gets paid, butt and its a big BUTT, this
          is still, THEFT. t4cwb, on your planet
          maybe, not on mine, after all you could
          vote wit your drill! Guessin causin you
          don't get enough, its THEFT, er is it?


            The theft is I have to buy my own grain back if I want to sell it to who ever I want. Get it Burb?


              Burbet has a perspective here, vote with your drill. If you really object to the CWB with all your being, dont grow wheat or malt barley. Find something else that make more business sense to your farm. I see many farms growing 2 crops oats and a crop of canola, or flax, oats, canola, oats. Build a rotation that works for you.


                Too much Canola... Blackleg and Clubroot... Flax got recked with GM fiasco... can't grow corn or soybeans here.

                Manitoba CAN grow both soy and corn... and they turn around and tell northern Alberta growers to forget about wheat and barley.

                NICE. True respect. What a farce. Vote to wreck your northern neighbours farm.

                The rotation argument is a cop out.

                CWB buy-backs are CRIMINAL.


                  Tom, Piss River County ain't got anywhere close to Manitoba's 12 Million Arable Acres.

                  868,599 Hectares X 2.47 Acres = 2,145,439.53 Total Arable Acres dey only got!


                  Why wood I want to care fer a Dumb Northern Albertie when dey to dumb to care fer demselves wit Bill tirty six. Dey wreckin dey own farm all on dey own, Don't blame us Tom...........



                    Can you actually read?

                    Like that was only the BC side of the Mighty Peace!

                    How do you know when you are done harvest... if you forget about 3/4 of your farm GTO!

                    If the Good Lord Tarries... there will be millions of HA of fertile ag land, in the Peace, that could be developed especially if we warm anywhere near 5 deg C!


                      Whoopsy Daisy, Musta had yer reedin Glasses on Tom. Big Frickin Deal, we produce 50-60 plus bushel an acre canolie crops here, You's in Piss River County produce 15-20 an acre, makes a difference.............


                        Well I live in the northern Alberta peace country and most canola here averages 40 bu/ac with a range of 30 to 60 bu/ac Some guys have a 3/4 canola rotation and the crops look good. One guy I know has taken over his fathers rotation canola snow canola. Has used that rotation now for over 10 years and his crops last year averaged 30 or better but he does need some fibre. Also the AB gov is half way through selling 500 quarters of more land this spring. Hopefully I get 2 more tomorrow.


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