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75 years of the CWB... The 15 minutes of Infamy...

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    Hopper....too pathethic to watch Parsnip in action against someone who`s `unarmed`!!! LOL


      Pinched a nerve eh guys. Hopper by the way your posts are always worth the read, and I really mean that.



        There are so so many others that should be on the the honour roles...

        Bless you all and have a great morning!


          Same as always on here, if you disagree with someone then start a personal attack. Most days it`s just plain childish. And this by people who want to be taken seriously....



            You raise an interesting question from all of this.

            WHY could the liberals enforce their way through order in council and Goodale, while the conservatives do nothing even though they have the support to change it?

            Just asking, I am interested in your response.



              You are going to defend someone who chose the username "****face"?

              You want be filed in the ****face file?

              bucket, Yes. The Minister vcan give the order tommorow.

              Ministerial orders are all powerful. The legislation legally deems the Minister as the head of the legislation. NOT Bill Woods. Or Ian Australia White. Goodale realized it.Pars



                The question remains - why is Ritz not using his power?

                Goodale had no problem using a stick to control slaves, why can't Ritz use his to reverse it?


                  Pars, i rest my case to myself, and a couple others who follow this site. We have now turned agriville into a site for anti cwb people only. What the rest have to say is not important, or we are just plain stupid, and we jump to conclusions. Bye all.
                  oh, have any of you anti cwb people ever been to a burn unit??


                    Just encouraging all to stay and post other information.

                    I note an advantage on agriville is we have eyes and ears all over western Canada (just like the grain companies). Sharing information should help everyone become better marketers. Speaking for myself, I appreciate everyones thoughts and quite ofter sends me off doing research on a topic I hadn't thought of or a new idea/strategy that wouldn't have occurred to me otherwise. This site can be a very powerful tool.

                    Take the risk and post something different about market outlook or strategies. Comment on a non CWB thread.

                    Off to the Leduc CWB meeting. Will have some notes to share over the next couple of days.


                      " have any of you anti cwb people ever been to a burn unit??"

                      Thanks; Rodger.


                        you would think with the overwhelming majority of farmers supporting the CWB ****face that your pro board skin would be a tad thicker. Fact is the reason this seems all anti-board is because most board supporters are not bright enough to turn on a cpu let alone raise and hold a constructive discussion. With the type of support the CWB has, shouldnt us anti-board members be the minority?? Cya later.


                          i read all of Tom's rants to get my laugh for the day. I'ts like watching Charlie Sheen.


                            This site may feel anit-CWB, but as you read posts, particularily anti cwb, they are mostly backed by FACTS. Not all posts are just a rant. There are real facts behind the contempt towards the CWB. There are few pro CWB posters that back thier staements with facts. Some do, there was CWB pricing discussion Feb. 28, December 31 etc. Charlie relays factual information on wheat board pricing frequently. A person has to decide what they are willing to take. Just like stubbles post, he regards AV posts as he choses. Commodity Marketing is still the ultimate goal on AV. The CWB, and the right to freedom happen to be an important issue for designated area wheat farmers. A dual market exists in Ontario and Australia. Pooled returns are not a bad philosophy if that is what you choose. If you have the right to choose. It would not be the end of the world if the CWB cut loose the farmers who wanted to control their own grain. Maybe the CWB would compete so well, those who abandoned would be running straight back to the CWB. Until designated area farmers have the right to sell their property on their own,this debate will continue. Its about freedom in a free country.


                              Backed by facts?? Are you really sure??? Were did your facts come from?? I see on this very thread some of your facts filled in the **** for him. Way to go hopper, feeling a little sheepish?


                                Hobby, that was well said.. I enjoy the information this site provides, but find the personal attacks childish..If someone with some power in the CWB or government is reading this why would it be in their best interest to recognizs this site?


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