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More explosions, are we headed for a world health problem?

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    More explosions, are we headed for a world health problem?

    How big and bad can this event be if 1,2, or 3 reactors melt down? Are we at risk here, the wind is blowing this way?

    I think the Japaneese gov needs to be more open about what is going on there, before people continue to be sent there to help out. They have an evacuation zone of 12 miles yet there is radiation being detected I think it was 175 miles off shore on one of the U. S. ships assisting.

    Makes a person stop and think of all those countries that most of us don't believe have the technology or level of trustworthiness as the Japaneese, that have nuclear reactors.

    Isn't this the reason for the new huge power lines on eastern Alberta heading south? Put it in LA if they need it...

    So Arrogant.

    As a buddy said... put the thing in edmonton right next to the ledge... and see how the PC 'leaders' like sitting right next to it!

    They are so vain


      1. Health? Japan's breweries are damaged. Beer drinkers will require beer-withdrawal counselling.

      2. Health? Uranium is used in the manufacture of health test equipment. You suggest replacing an MRI with poking a pin in a doll to diagnose your malady?


        Barley will be worth a wee bit more money, won't it? Pars


          You are not seriously joking about this incident, or are you?

          What I am saying is that before we go more into this technology shouldn't we be at a place where if something goes wrong all we need to do is shut off a switch and it's done? Because obviously we are not at that point. Yes we desperately need (want) more energy, but there are many examples of other options that are not being funded enough to develop. Why is that? The answer lies in who is buying off our governernments or are you denying that also? And yes the medical isotopes are a huge positive but can't we find a way for that to develop safer.

          Same thing with oil energy, we all know there was a carburator system developed decades ago where an engine could do, what was it 70 miles to the gallon, but why and how was that stopped?

          And as far as the barley thing it sure looks like I and others in our area will not be seeding much if any at all this year so barley could be 100 bucks a bushel not likely gonna do anything for me. I'd much rather see barley go up because we get a fairer share of the price as apposed to getting it by way of 10 or 20,000 people being killed.

          And when I get depressed at not being able to seed, I'll head down to the liquor store and pay a buck more a bottle to drown my sorrows, while that buck increase will likely only be a about 5 cents of more barley price, and 95 cents will be for the nerds calculating more profit off the increase in demand.

          And finally my question is do you or anyone know what will happen if these 4 reactors completely melt down, isn't it like 4 atomic bombs going off in terms of radiation release?


            "Same thing with oil energy, we all know there was a carburator system developed decades ago where an engine could do, what was it 70 miles to the gallon, but why and how was that stopped?"

            The laws of physics and thermodynamics stopped it.


              Parsley you do realize what is going on in Japan ? And your making jokes???


                What is with all this high and mighty bs. A joke
                to lighten the mood never hurt anyone or takes
                anything away from the disaster. Everyone need
                s to get off there high horse.


                  Postee indignation has reached the red alert level, and I look forward to the clucking and scratching in the dirt that will continue. There should be a few particularly wet hens yet to post in this weather.

                  Meantime, charliep is the main postee researching information on AV, but at the same time, the postee who does not depend upon a load of grain being sold to pay for this month's Visa. Parsley


                    Your right wheatking , Bto and Parsley do help to lighten the situation


                      What do you mean physics and thermodynamics? The guy had one built was using it and was told either take the 1 million bucks or a hole between your eyes and shut up. That was in 1970's.

                      When legislation was passed that all vehicles have to be a minimum mpg in the states there sure was no problem getting there was there? You really think with today's technology they cannot come up with 100 mpg car? Oil controls the world look at our Sask government, so obvious, before the election they flew around to all the oil headquarters, what for? maybe borrowed and filled some mulroney money bags.

                      Not that I am saying get rid of oil, that is not possible or practical, but it sure as hell doesn't have to be one of our main cost of living like it is. It's all a scam, to keep certain people at the top of the food chain and the rest of us scratching to survive.

                      But oil doesn't come without costs either. It's a fact that in northern and central Saskatchewan where the air currents originate in the oil tarsands of Alberta and flow to Sk. the rates of cancer, ms, add, etc. are numerous times higher than the rest of areas. Has not been absolutely proven linkage but basically 1 and 1 are 2.


                        "scratching to survive"?


                        Oh Rider, look around you this morning. You are one lucky Saskatchewan lump. (:~() Pars


                          And don't stop telling blonde jokes. This blondie loves them. And don't stop telling the old Swede got chased by a Norwegian joke. I love them too.

                          When you can no longer laugh at yourself, or give a few pokes, you have become one piece of worthless emasculated crap. IMHO. Pars



                            WARNING ALERT
                            If I locate you on this glumtype day, I'll lassoo you, tie each arm and leg spreadeagled to four bales placed far apart, and tickle your nosehairs with a piece of straw until you finally give up and promise good humour.

                            By jove, guys it rained and spring is a comin'. LOL Pars


                              What the hell does gross national income do for us guys that cannot seed a crop? You are just like the government with my favorite reply gee we paid x amount of billions in agristability, but he forgot to mention that that billion how much went to salaries, was counted 3 times over, research etc., and how many got the bulk of the money that didn't need it. We didn't get a penny and won't this year either, so stick those billions up his ass or yours if you think it amuses you to laugh. You don't know our situation.

                              Maybe you need to have a good look at our area and you would get drift of reality.

                              There is a time and place for humour, when 10,000 people are dead I don't think it is the time. But then again when Ritz laughed at people that died because of bullshit that went on at inspections of food that he was in charge of you didn't think that was a big deal either. Maybe not to you but I am sure those people's families didn't find it amusing.


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