What do you mean physics and thermodynamics? The guy had one built was using it and was told either take the 1 million bucks or a hole between your eyes and shut up. That was in 1970's.
When legislation was passed that all vehicles have to be a minimum mpg in the states there sure was no problem getting there was there? You really think with today's technology they cannot come up with 100 mpg car? Oil controls the world look at our Sask government, so obvious, before the election they flew around to all the oil headquarters, what for? maybe borrowed and filled some mulroney money bags.
Not that I am saying get rid of oil, that is not possible or practical, but it sure as hell doesn't have to be one of our main cost of living like it is. It's all a scam, to keep certain people at the top of the food chain and the rest of us scratching to survive.
But oil doesn't come without costs either. It's a fact that in northern and central Saskatchewan where the air currents originate in the oil tarsands of Alberta and flow to Sk. the rates of cancer, ms, add, etc. are numerous times higher than the rest of areas. Has not been absolutely proven linkage but basically 1 and 1 are 2.
When legislation was passed that all vehicles have to be a minimum mpg in the states there sure was no problem getting there was there? You really think with today's technology they cannot come up with 100 mpg car? Oil controls the world look at our Sask government, so obvious, before the election they flew around to all the oil headquarters, what for? maybe borrowed and filled some mulroney money bags.
Not that I am saying get rid of oil, that is not possible or practical, but it sure as hell doesn't have to be one of our main cost of living like it is. It's all a scam, to keep certain people at the top of the food chain and the rest of us scratching to survive.
But oil doesn't come without costs either. It's a fact that in northern and central Saskatchewan where the air currents originate in the oil tarsands of Alberta and flow to Sk. the rates of cancer, ms, add, etc. are numerous times higher than the rest of areas. Has not been absolutely proven linkage but basically 1 and 1 are 2.