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    Dear AAFC,

    You know full well, that agriculture has been centrally planned, for decades. No other industry had been meddled with, and tinkered with and dragged through political chaos, as has been agriculture.

    The Canadian Wheat Board is a perfect example of how the Canadian government used, yes used, farmers to provide cheap grain to fill their committment to wheat contracts to Britian after WWII.

    And each government in turn, has eyed agriculture as a wealth creator that all other parts of the economy ispositioned to latch onto, through government regulatory measures, to generate wealth for their particular sector.

    A present day example is the neverending lineupo of biotech companies, who simply scoop up all available agricultural grant money, patent their inventions and assume zero liability for their patents.

    The genetically modified flax fiasco in Canada, if you examine the loss of markets in the EU, is an example of the utter stupidity of federal and provincial central plannning. The Flax Council of Canada is, after all, a planned government entity, carefully removed from any responsibity TO farmers.

    I am a farmer and I am the one left to pay the bill for flax testing. I am the one whose flax market access has been neutered; and all by bureaucrats and politicians who have no skin in the game, no ability, and no conscience.

    Leave agriculture alone.

    Don't plan it. Don't interfere in it. Don't tinker. You are slowly and surely killing agriculture. You are picking winners and losers with tax money.

    Government has proven itself incapable. Your logos and tradmarking will reduce the profit and credibility of the farm products I need to market. I sold 100% pure ground spices, and at the same time you changed the regulations to approve of countless additives. Fish stocks were nearly decimated by you. You've ruined the reputation of Canadian beef through approving regulation that allowed feeding cows to cows.

    Governmental Walkerton-type water modelling will be a tome to farming. The introduction of novel foods with stacked genes crossing from one to the other, uninhibited and unassessed, across prairie fields, may make your private stock market shares rise, and your MP mutual funds balloon, but it will eventually make farm products from Canada un-buyable,with no one to pay for the loss because their is no legal ownership of the harm.

    The only sustainability ag bureaucrats and politicians understand is the sustainability of your jobs and annual increase in pay.

    Agriculture should be placed under Trade and Commerce, and all subsidies, and all the ridiculous AAFC grants and grunts issued every week.. maple syrup, cattle, potatoes, neutraceutical grants, wildlife schemes, and green revolution scamming bullshit, yes, bullshit, and on and on and on, ......should be stopped.


    The government of Canada borrows money to issue money for projects aimed at agriculture. Governments must stop spending money you do not have. Have you no sense of what you are doing?

    Agriculture does not need one red cent of subsidy. You see, farms created billions of dollars of weath on our farms over the years. We know how. Governments merely scheme how to get a piece of the action.

    farmers would do much better if we divorce, and no longer assign yourself the scheme to plan our lives for us.

    What you are planning will harm farmers.

    Act as a regulator. That is what your job as a government really should be.

    Never mind trying to be a player, and "team" with corporations or farms. Never mind trying to market for farmers. You are not capable.

    Never mind trying to brand for farmers. You are not respected. Read that again. You are not respected by Canadians or by the world at large.

    Do your job. Act as a hands off regulator.

    My name is Parsley and I have farmed for 43 years and that is what I have learned.

    Addendum: This entry would not fit on AAFC's regulated response page designed with limitations. Thus Minister Ritz can read this message on this thread along with the AAFC bureaucrats.

    All of them are more likely to read a farmers' comments in this forum. Pars



      BTW, you can check on your own how much CWB money is allotted branding. To advertising. To trade-fairing. To "marketing".

      Maybe the government is handing out cash. You can bet pooling money will be counted as government money.

      Like you say, the contingency fund is becoming a slush fund, and that is going to become a ritzy free for all.

      Piss on the bonfire before all your dollars get burned.


        Kudos Parsley. Very well said, and hope you get
        some positive results/response to whomever
        reads it. Governments both federal and provincial
        are obstacles rather than helpful when it comes
        to almost every aspect of agriculture. Just so
        tired of the waste, corruption, and incompetence.

        Keep up the good fight.


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