When I was in the states I spent some time with Dave Thomas (Wendy Guy)1st CFO. Man was he interesting fellow. Had a great time. Learnt lots from him. I like spending time with guys who made it. Interesting to get his views about different things.
So Back to Canola.
We have all grain companies bragging how Canadian farmers are going to seed 20 plus million acres. Hm the guys who buy our product are projecting huge acreage. Doesn't this drive down the market and who wins. DAH the grain companies. So its advantageous for them to spout off the acreage.
Stats Canada will be out at end of month in April with our seeding intentions. Amazing how takes them months to come up with this BS. USDA does it in days.
So realistically on canola how much will get seeded.
I'm saying 17.6 million acres.
WHY. Its really simple for those that cant figure it out. East is way way way to wet going into fall and heavy snow heavy heavy snow cover. West Sask and south have snow seeding will be delayed. Hm old guy told me once south of swift if you don't get it in before mid of may your pouched on a normal year.
So to all the hype buy our buyers Kiss my you know what. Mid June will be the true picture.
On our farm projected Canola since last harvest was 3600 acres. Realistically today we will get about 2100 seeded rest if nothing changes is two wet of ground.
So here is a simple question what are others figuring.
So Back to Canola.
We have all grain companies bragging how Canadian farmers are going to seed 20 plus million acres. Hm the guys who buy our product are projecting huge acreage. Doesn't this drive down the market and who wins. DAH the grain companies. So its advantageous for them to spout off the acreage.
Stats Canada will be out at end of month in April with our seeding intentions. Amazing how takes them months to come up with this BS. USDA does it in days.
So realistically on canola how much will get seeded.
I'm saying 17.6 million acres.
WHY. Its really simple for those that cant figure it out. East is way way way to wet going into fall and heavy snow heavy heavy snow cover. West Sask and south have snow seeding will be delayed. Hm old guy told me once south of swift if you don't get it in before mid of may your pouched on a normal year.
So to all the hype buy our buyers Kiss my you know what. Mid June will be the true picture.
On our farm projected Canola since last harvest was 3600 acres. Realistically today we will get about 2100 seeded rest if nothing changes is two wet of ground.
So here is a simple question what are others figuring.