Maybe it was Wendy, sf3 just didn't want his wife to know!!! HA HA HA just kiddin around!
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Lets Be Realistic on Canola Acreage!
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Ohh Yah! One time I went to California and hung out with John Wayne and Marilyn Munroe and Humphrey Bogart and then after the wax Museum I wrnt and Visited Mickey Mouse!!!
Of course I was 5 and even then I knew they were all dead and the mouse wasn't actually a mouse.
Maybe he's like the kid on the sixth sense.
" I see dead crops"
I did read it over, it is just the way you arranged the words still sounds like you talked to Dave the first cfo of Wendy's, anyways straightenned out.
Yes George Bush and the word fool go hand in hand. He was a fool that fooled his country into killing another leader fool who wasn't fooling around killing his own people, we joined that made fools of us all. Better stop, almost sounds like the famous quote "proof is the proof of the proof is proof that it is proof" by another fool Chretien.
Yes I wrote it in a hurry and now see it could look like that. Had to go learn about our 3310 again, free meal and few prizes. I was late.
Yes John was very intersting. I actually really enjoyed both him and his wife. We sat buy them at the pool just about every day. Last winter I watched the Wendys story it really made sence. He is one guy Ill keep emailing.
Now on the Canola 17.6 Max. My guess.
Chretian and Bush are not fools,a proof is a proof
outburst is geo-trig lingo,likewise if you ever seen
earlier Bush speeches you see complete competence
,not faked incompetence.
I think some people confuse Chretiens majorities with him being smart. He bought off everyone and everything in sight in Quebec, and part of Ontario. I don't think that makes him smart, as it turns out he was a crook, but I grant he was smart enough not to go to jail over it, but then again he likely bought his way out of that too.
Bush was a puppet of Cheney and both of them made and are making billions off the wars they created, not sure maybe that makes him smart, after all how the hell is he not impeached for warcrimes? As far as speaches go nearly none of them write them for themselves so maybe he had a better writer at the start, because it was laughable at best when he was President. Even the republicans were emberrassed.
As far as canola with 4 feet of snow and it is march 24 it will take 3- 4 weeks for snow to go 2 weeks of lakes and flooding and what about 3-4 weeks to dry out enough to seed. So where does that put us somewhere mid june start. That is if we do not get any more precip in between.
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